Feeders - Headsets


For you feeder drivers out there; do you use the traditional super trucker headset(blue parrot type) or would you go with the AirPods?


Staff member
If you want to actually talk to people get a blue parrot. If you want to be constantly repeating yourself and listening to complaints about backround noise stick with your airpods.


Well-Known Member
For someone new to feeders I would recommend the blue parrot. You’ll be talking to other drivers constantly. You’re going to need help with directions and when you’re new it makes some people more comfortable to talk to other drivers. Personally after about 6 months I cut Down my talking to other drivers by 95%. Once I knew where I was going and was comfortable I’d much rather listen to podcasts then sit on the phone in a 6 feeder driver circle jerk for 7 hours a night. Now I just use AirPods and they work fine to talk to someone once or twice a week for 20 minutes.
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