In the 2012 election, the republicans LOST seats in the house, but not enough to have a changeover. In 2014, the bar is reasonably lower, and the democrats will prevail and resume control of the house. The american public is fed up with the republican party and its buffoons in the house. The MILLIONS of dollars wasted on useless hearings will come back to haunt the GOP. Skewed Fox polls showing the "publics" concern for more hearings is laughable at best.
2012 already proved that FOX news polls were worthless and unreliable, unless of course, you are moreluck, Island, Lifer, Hoax and the other C9ers. For an entire year, despite being told and shown that they were wrong, they believed those polls like you do.
At the end of the day, FOX news related polls were WORTHLESS.
The american public isnt stupid. They see the economy getting better, they see the housing market turining around, they see corporate profits skyrocketing. They see unemployment declining. They see the deficit going down.
What they DONT see is what FOX news sells... What happened to the double dip recession FOX and the GOP claimed was coming? What happened to the 12% unemployment RUSH limbaugh predicted for 2013? What happened to all the other nonsense the GOP promised and failed to produce on?
If it wasnt for people like you MULE, FOX news would go out of business. But until then, "theres a sucker born every minute".