First Gulf War


Big Time Feeder Driver
Tieguy, take it easy, I responded to this thread because I found it interesting, not because I want to pick a fight with you. It was only after wkmac posted about Butler and you denounced the general that I felt I should post in support of one of my heroes.

From what you stated it seemed to me that you vote Republican always, right or wrong. That is taking a stand alright, but are you telling me the Republicans always stand for what you believe in? Even Laura Ingram railed against the Bush Administration for their stance on immigration. Your kind of thinking re-elected Lindsay Graham, when his Democratic opponent was actually more conservative.

As for referencing Eisenhower and Israel, I wasn't trying to draw wkmac in to support me, I was trying to point out that you are so enamoured with the present Republican apparatiks that even Ike and his wisdom cannot influence your thought. I don't need anyone to fight my battles, but than again I don't think I am at war. As for the PLO, I am not going to defend any atrocities they have committed, will you defend Israel's?

The only stimulus plan I support is the one my wife gives me!

wkmac, some people enjoy being in the Matrix. Remember, a steak tastes just as good in the Matrix even if you are really eating the liquified dead!

Now Tie, please respond with a witty rejoinder....


Tieguy, take it easy, I responded to this thread because I found it interesting, not because I want to pick a fight with you. It was only after wkmac posted about Butler and you denounced the general that I felt I should post in support of one of my heroes.

From what you stated it seemed to me that you vote Republican always, right or wrong. That is taking a stand alright, but are you telling me the Republicans always stand for what you believe in? Even Laura Ingram railed against the Bush Administration for their stance on immigration. Your kind of thinking re-elected Lindsay Graham, when his Democratic opponent was actually more conservative.

As for referencing Eisenhower and Israel, I wasn't trying to draw wkmac in to support me, I was trying to point out that you are so enamoured with the present Republican apparatiks that even Ike and his wisdom cannot influence your thought. I don't need anyone to fight my battles, but than again I don't think I am at war. As for the PLO, I am not going to defend any atrocities they have committed, will you defend Israel's?

The only stimulus plan I support is the one my wife gives me!

wkmac, some people enjoy being in the Matrix. Remember, a steak tastes just as good in the Matrix even if you are really eating the liquified dead!

Now Tie, please respond with a witty rejoinder....

I'm sorry perhaps when you pay me for such requests, I may consider it. Until then I think I'll just do what I happen to feel like doing. At this point I see posters here trying to mock the republicans for Bushs spending while somehow ignoring The great messiah adding a quick 2.5 trillion to the deficit. Kind of reeks of two face positioning. Ya think?



I didn't know till now but if I'm suppose to support you, I'd like to know what kind of stimulus plan I'm gonna get out of this deal!

Welcome to Tie's world where he took the Blue pill! Sometimes I think he swallowed the whole bottle!


Again another example of the superiority complex you constantly display here because you happen to support some wack job that has approximately 50 americans out of 500 million supporting him. This somehow makes your position a superior one which your post continue to indicate. As a poster here I should express my gratitude that you have somehow chosen to bless us with your prescence here. We are of course grateful that you continue to bless us with your superior intellect.

We should all follow your example and simply refuse to take any type of credible position since doing so would limit our right to proclaim our intellectual superiority.


Well-Known Member
Remember folks, when it comes to the Middle East it is always about oil, always!

Along those lines. On Iraq and WW1, I ran across an interesting book from 1918' entitled, "War and the Baghdad Railroad" and on page 25 I found the following statement.

But England in encouraging the demand of Arabia for the Arabs- for she is behind this revolt-may be stirring up a spirit which will be hard for her to control, for the spirit of Islam is still the spirit of fanaticism that sees only the doings of Iblis in a world that does not acknowledge Mohammed as the apostle of Allah.

Just ironic those words in light of today's world but then I've said all along that our efforts in the Middle East are an action and effort to hold together Old World Colonialism for it's variety of many reasons. Just a note of understanding. Iblis is basically the Islamic ideal of the judeo-christian satan. Iblis was a jinn (genie)who refused to bow down to Adam when ordered by Allah to do so.

Another aspect to watch in relation to our efforts in the Middle East as it relates to oil is our monoplistic protection of the dollar as the world currency as it relates to oil transactions. When Nixon killed Bretton Woods in 71' and closed the gold window for good, the US along with the NATO powers and OPEC replaced gold as the commodity backing of the dollar with oil on the strenght that all global transactions of oil would be made in dollars no matter by who or where they took place. In late 2000' one lone leader and nation dare challenge that economic supremacy. In 2005', a neighbor of above said nation also began making overtones of an even greater threat and offense and thus has since found itself surrounded and threatened. Now they've gone and done it but we'll get em'!

Of recent, we hear about the threats of the Big Russian Bear who we thought was dead but now seems posed to strike up long dormant rubblings of nukes and cold war tensions that must be met with strong military might. Maybe the heart of the issue is none of the above but rather an old familar cause? Where's my Bear Killer gun?

In 2006' one of our southern neighbors started to get a bit uppity about our money and began looking elsewhere and thus found themselves on the "not so popular" list! And as our nation steams across the pacific as we speak to meet "a threat" we're told could be the end of us all, I wonder if we began to dig what we might truly find under the red flag and star? I wonder who they've been "talking to" and what "oil potential" they might have? Even the powerful of our own are having to admit what's becoming more and more obvious.

Nixon Ends Bretton Woods August 1971'

BTW: Did some of Nixon's early comments have a familar ring to it? We're such suckers aren't we!

Won't devalue the dollar he sez! In 1971' 2 people could attend a movie and get a drink and popcorn for less than $2. Now that cost is around $30. In another perspective as my wife pointed out as I 8itched about the $30 for the movies recently, how long did you have to work to earn the money for the movie? I responded, about an hour. She again, Back in 75' when we started dating, how long did you have to work for us to go see a movie? Same answer, about an hour! In 1975', you could buy a new car for between $2k and $3k, now it's $20k to $30k. So much for Nixon's assurance that the dollar wouldn't become devalued. But then we needed to corner and secure the global oil markets and the best way to do that was to monopolize all oil transactions to the dollar which OPEC handed us on a gol....uh "dollar" platter in 1973'.

Isn't it ironic that the very nations we are told represent some form of potential military threat are in fact more an economic threat than anything else and could it be that these nations in a drive to develop weapons we may not like and weapon that do pose a risk are doing so in order to protect their own natural right to economic freedom? We've so monopolized ourselves domestically in the area of State controlled economics that we fail to even see that our "benevolent" State is and has been doing the same thing on the international stage. The nation that opened the eyes of the world to the ideals and principles of free markets and free peoples may in the years ahead be seen in a very different context when historians view our 20th and 21st century actions from a future perspective where more and more facts will be known!

I guess from some this is just another long boring post or it's just spam. But then there are those brave souls here who dare to ask, "just how deep does this rabbit hole go?"



Butler later wrote a book by the same name and here is the complete book if you dare to read it!

-- Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.

My father , a vietnam vet who saw much action in war sent me the above quote along with the following two paragraphs that followed the last line in the above quote. He sent it to me may 27, two days after memorial day. I think it took him two days to unwind enough to send it to me. I particularly like the last two sentences about Al Capone :::::::: :

I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.


Pickup: when I read this , I couldn't help think about the case of Hawaii and the overthrow of the monarch by a group of wealthy american and european s( particularly plantation owners) .The marines gave some support to their efforts. When the smoke cleared, a new provisional government was in place with a man in charge by the last name of Dole. Sound familiar? Ever have a dole pineapple? Yup. Turns out his cousin by the same last name was one of these fruit plantations owners (hawaiian fruit company then) .

Now if you think it is wrong as an american to dare criticize the overthrow of a head of state of a foreign land and then eventually add the land to your country, then know this: an apology resolution was signed by President Clinton in 1993 that expressed regret over this overthrow. So there you have it , a CLEARLY lawfully elected leader of the u.s essentially questioning the actions of the u.s in the past . So one could argue , by some poster's opinions, that to question this version of the addition of hawaii to the u.s is to be unpatriotic.
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Well-Known Member
Nicely said Pickup! Sometime if you have about 45 minutes and enjoy a mixture of British political humor with some historical fact, you might also enjoy Robert Newman's History of Oil.



Nicely said Pickup! Sometime if you have about 45 minutes and enjoy a mixture of British political humor with some historical fact, you might also enjoy Robert Newman's History of Oil.

I watched about 5 minutes, when I have time , I'll watch some more