fix the rotten banks


Man of Great Wisdom
The government spends much more than it takes in in taxes. They can't squeeze more money from people because 30-40% of the population is dependent on the government in some way - either some form of welfare or a government job. There aren't enough workers in the private sector to support the rest. Greece has been spending more money than it can afford for years. They refused to reduce spending or do anything to try to manage their debt. They expected the rest of Europe to keep supporting them but that is no longer happening. You can try to blame greedy corporations but that is nether the problem nor a solution.
Change a couple of words and you are describing The USofA. Before some knucklehead chimes in, it's both sides fault.


Well-Known Member
Destroy Capitalism in order to Save Capitalism.

i had this on the other day, but i didnt really listen to it. will try again!

i listen to max keiser too much. hes damn entertaining. i saw some stand up comedy he did and he was rolling on the ground. the guy is a genius.