Well-Known Member
Her name is friend* America
So this women takes food stamps, extracted dollars (stolen money euphemistically called taxes) taken from local economies that would otherwise generate local economic activity but instead generates scarcity, uses them as capital to purchase a commodity that she in turn sells back into the local economy, generating economic activity and then from this economic activity she extracts a rent (profit). Her crime if you will is to just do what was done to her local economy in the first place as a means to solve a scarcity.
Maybe what we need to rethink is taking the dollars out of the original local economy to start with and then centralize those "stolen" resources to then be doled back out as the centralizing authority sees fit. Why condemn someone's economic resourcefulness in a system that was set up flawed to begin with? Or was this more about the women's muslim attire?
And if the guy shooting the video is a lawyer, his use of several logical fallacies questions his capableness as a good lawyer as oppose to just being a lawyer.