

nowhere special


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Greatest SB players ,, according to Stephen A Smith. Take note @MAKAVELI

1. Brady
2 Montana
3 Rice
4 Bradshaw
5. Doug Williams

Personally I think he got it wrong ,, Bradshaw was tougher and far superior than Montana


Retired 23 years
I was recording the game (?) so my wife could watch the halftime show. We just got done watching it. It sucked--just as I suspected it would. Two ------- jumping around proving to the world they don't have any talent and one wannabe ------ over tattooed white guy jumping around stripping off his clothes embarrassing every normal person in the crowd. A bunch of drones doing nothing original and a couple hundred bucks worth of fireworks. WORST half time show in the history of halftime shows. I wouldn't have paid 5 bucks to see it. Apparently the game sucks too or so I've been told. JMO


Well-Known Member
I was recording the game (?) so my wife could watch the halftime show. We just got done watching it. It sucked--just as I suspected it would. Two ------- jumping around proving to the world they don't have any talent and one wannabe ------ over tattooed white guy jumping around stripping off his clothes embarrassing every normal person in the crowd. A bunch of drones doing nothing original and a couple hundred bucks worth of fireworks. WORST half time show in the history of halftime shows. I wouldn't have paid 5 bucks to see it. Apparently the game sucks too or so I've been told. JMO
No one can match prince.