Lunch break here is between the 3rd and 6th hr of your day per our cba.
There was an unbid route that went out with 450 del pcs/120 del stops + 35 pm pickups. A young driver, tired of Russian roulette coverage, forced them to bid it.
He took his first 10 min break after the 10:30 airs were done, lunch around 12 noon, and the last paid break right before his pick up string started at 15:00.
He needed help every day getting businesses del for a month but his ors couldn't touch his efficiency because he did the job right.
In one month the bulk stops came off, the route went down to about 100 del stops, 280 del pcs, 35 pickups and stayed that way for years.
Not a bonus center fyi but it paid dividends for the driver's health, they finally created a route that made a couple of close proximity routes much better...
all because this guy did it right, every day, and ignored the wind from management along the way to fixing the problem.
God bless the drivers that have spine.