a 529 Plan is a college saving account which is like a 401K, you get taxed the same as a 401K, so for example if you donate $25 per week to the 529 and you make $1000, you are only getting taxed on $975. I been doing it since 2010 and see it raise nicely, better then a bank or a CD, I do risky and it has a 12% average yearly growth.
I don't work for U.P.S my job automatically takes it our of my pay and into the fund and its free (Check with UPS on if there is a fee). you can also use if for any childs College expense not just your own, lets say your child gets a full scholarship then you can transfer it to a Relative and only charge them the interest you are charged which would be way less then the student loan.
you can sync all your credit cards and/ or Relatives cards also and if you by a certain product they will contribute anywhere from a penny to 5 cents per purchase of their product, and some card such as Barclays you can use your points to put into the account
not all States offer it I live in N.Y and not sure what states do.
I recommend it and good luck