You can't force words on anyone......if you are that good a ventriloquist, go on America's Got Talent.
I wouldn't say "BOO" for you.
The success of the likes of Faux, Limpbaugh, O'Liely and their ilk is that they tell idiotic racist rightwing haters exactly what the want to hear, want to believe, whether or not their beliefs are grounded in even the remotest hint of reality. When someone wants to believe their beliefs are the truth, and a whole industry exists just to verify their beliefs, nothing, NOTHING will convince them they're wrong, regardless of the facts.And when they are presented with facts, they dismiss them outright. I actually once had a winger tell me that he didn't want facts, he wanted truth.Hence why Texas tried to remove "critical thinking" from school curriculum.Such DIEHARDs.
Both moreluck and oldgray just cant bring it upon themselves to say the comments were offensive.
Thats the power of brainwashing by fox news.
From this thread it's clear that troll not only gets his science from Comedy Central he gets his news there as well.
Cleese is a very educated and intelligent man (as all are the Pythons); they are deadly accurate in discerning and identifying who are the village idiots, and I see no evidence to rebut Cleese in this example.From this thread it's clear that troll not only gets his science from Comedy Central he gets his news there as well.
Classic Comedy but in reality I can't help but think of Rumsfeld and his "known unknowns" speech:![]()
Obviously Democrats
and yet, another military "supporter" who fails to condemn the comments, but attack the message.
We already have a Comedy Central watching troll, hate filled, condemning machine. I don't think you need more help in doing what you do.
Have you ever been to a circus and watched one of those toy clown cars race around the Big Top...then all those clowns get out of that toy car? Pretty funny huh? That's the way I feel reading any post by POS. Stayed away a long, long time and nothing seems to have changed.
Eric Bolling said something that was crass, disrespectful and uncalled for. He apologized on the leading cable network to all the world, yet the left wing loons come out of the gutter headed up by POS to chomp on him like a pack of hungry coyotes tearing off the flesh of their kill and howling in unison as they enjoy their catch! It's great to be a liberal...
Personally, I thought what Bolling and Gutfeld said was funny.
Boobs on the ground was a cute play on the "boots on the ground", because she has breasts.
And Gutfelds remark about not being able to park it is true, women are notoriously bad at driving/parking.
Had to spell it out for our liberal "friends".
There's nothing wrong with hunor and joking, so get over it
Personally, I thought what Bolling and Gutfeld said was funny.
Boobs on the ground was a cute play on the "boots on the ground", because she has breasts.
And Gutfelds remark about not being able to park it is true, women are notoriously bad at driving/parking.
Had to spell it out for our liberal "friends".
There's nothing wrong with hunor and joking, so get over it
More, (this may be hard to believe) but I have not posted anything political unless it was a neutral statement on any other media. But to listen to this person in the White House continue to pass the buck and lie to the American public has made me boil over! This is the only forum I feel comfortable voicing my opinion and going ballistic. He can't even own up and take responsibility for his mistakes.Hi Lifer....good to see (?) you !