FOX news once again proves its full of poop.


Engorged Member
Mr. Obama has a law degree. Mrs. Clinton, our next President, also has one. Both have quite a bit of education. Just because you don't reach their level of intelligence is no reason............

Oh yeah! Well, FOX says she's a closet lesbian troublemaker, and that Obama got his law degree from Uganda University!! Told you! O'Reilly rocks.


Engorged Member
What do you have against women? Jealous of their success or something? You and the other TROLLS have said over and over, how dumb certain women are. These women all make more money than you trolls, and are more famous. Guess you have to be a Clinton to not get smeared with the "dumb" moniker. And she sat through the BIMBO parade like an idiot.

Yes, the women of FOX are effing dumb. Pretty, perky, and stupid. Just like the Barbie in Chief, Sarah Palin. Hillary isn't particularly attractive, so she cannot qualify to be a success like Sarah.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
"You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska....." Yeah, that's Presidential material.
Or Hillary's, "It's not businesses that create jobs."
And by the way, you can see Russia from land in Alaska. Didn't you know that?
I can do this all day.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
In case you don't believe either Sarah Palin or myself.


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Strength through joy
Since bhos and hillary have law degrees , then why aren't they famous for winning court cases ?
And how did our flotus have her license to practice revoked ?


Well-Known Troll
Mr. Obama has a law degree. Mrs. Clinton, our next President, also has one. Both have quite a bit of education. Just because you don't reach their level of intelligence is no reason............

Hmm, his degree must not be in Constitutional Law, except maybe how to circumvent it


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
They just have that mindless knee jerk reaction to blame Fox whenever anyone disagrees with them. Yet apparently they are the most loyal Fox viewers since they always know everything that happens on Fox.
And a whole slew of doddering old retirees will swallow this crap like it was chicken soup and spit out incoherent, hysterical emails with no connection to reality...It's a no-brain zone.