I call this obama-lite.
Gov. Deval Patrick: EBT enforcement ‘not feasible’
A defiant Gov. Deval ( D )signed a welfare reform bill into law yesterday — only to say he won’t enforce key parts of the measure, drawing the wrath of lawmakers working to crack down on widespread abuses of the system.
Patrick, in a letter to lawmakers, said it’s “not feasible” to ban EBT purchases of frills such as liquor, cigarettes, lottery tickets and tattoos — and that “this administration will not enforce what cannot be enforced with respect to the use of EBT cards.”
“He’s saying he’s not going to enforce the law. That’s a first for me,” said state Rep. Shaunna O’Connell (R-Taunton), who is leading the charge for reform.
House Speaker Robert A. Deleo gave half-hearted praise, saying Patrick was right to sign the bill but wrong to take a pass on the item ban. “We applaud the governor for signing the EBT reform legislation into law and expect him to fully enforce it,” DeLeo (D-Winthrop) said in a statement.
The new law also forbids the use of so-called Electronic Benefits Transfer cards at casinos, strip clubs, jewelry shops, nail salons, rental centers and cruise ships. The Patrick administration said it will enforce that part of the law.
Also yesterday, Patrick shot down a bill that would require proof of legal U.S. residency to register a car.
In Massachusetts anyone can register a vehicle including dead people, no proof of a valid driving permit is needed.