Fred Zs * visit, his amicable meeting with PK & JC 42s fury!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Telling jokes about TDU people, isn't funny anymore.

It's kind of sad.

That's a cheap shot.

I will always defend the Constitution.... it's principals.... and the Bill of Rights.

Where are all these TDU people you keep talking about?

Like I said earlier, do Wide, Lead and 5habbits know you are a hard core conservative?


Well-Known Member
Telling jokes about TDU people, isn't funny anymore.

Neither is loosing our pensions!!!!



Well-Known Member
Hi Brothers!

On break at the Western Beef, can't stay long

I do have some union questions for later though

Wore my "end part-time poverty shirt" today

I like the look people give me when they see I'm a teamster, I don't get picked on


Got the T-Shirt
Telling jokes about TDU people, isn't funny anymore.

It's kind of sad.

Neither is loosing our pensions!

What have you personally lost ?

Why do they call you Bug?

Funny you ask.

It's an abbreviation of my screen name. BigUnionGuy.

I had the same name over at the old site.

A feeder driver from Atlanta, always used to address me a Bug. So it kind of stuck.

This anti-union person always signed their posts.... So I started doing the same. As I do here.

Just like ~Bbbl~ does now.

To me, it means you stand behind what you are saying.

I can only speak....for myself.

That would be a first. :)



Well-Known Member
Let's get back to the thread. Lead Belly, why did PK have Z at his local for lunch if he is Pro H&H?

They're worried about the "carve-out" text message going around at UPS. There's a flyer being distributed at 104, 396, 542, 572, and 952 with the break-down of the pension diversion.


Well-Known Member
Why is so much of the stuff on here in code?

random initials and other stuff, how do you follow along?

I'm new to this and I'm trying to learn about the union


Well-Known Member
Why is so much of the stuff on here in code?

random initials and other stuff, how do you follow along?

I'm new to this and I'm trying to learn about the union
Might want to get more involved with your local union to learn about the union.
But as far as BC goes, you'll get it, it just takes time. Remember....the old axiom suggesting one should "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear". I believe the first to say that centuries ago had Brown Cafe Union Issues in mind.


Well-Known Member
Is that the BA that got into the car accident or something?
I remember you guys talking about it, I hope he's ok.

I also wanted to ask Lead about the Star Wars celebration that's coming up, I wanted to know if it's worth the 3 day pass. Money is tough to come by, so I'd like to talk to someone that has the same interest.

Is there a way to get alerts to when someone answers your questions?