Real, its like you dont even read what other people are saying. Listen, i am doing what i have to do. I know where i am in life, and what i have the ability to change at this time. Always looking to change a situation. I wouldnt be at UPS otherwise. This isn't just about me. I have been working as an adult for 17 years. In that time i have seen it change for the worse, and it continues to be worse every year. The top of the heap see their compensation drastically increasing, Wall street gets their payoff, while the majority of workers, working for corporations, see wages that havent changed in 20+ years, healthcare that is getting worse and fewer oppurtunities every year. There is a smaller number of jobs every year that are like UPS with regular raises and good benefits. If you think bringing jobs back from over seas where they are paying $1 or less an hour is going to put the well compensated blue collar jobs back into the "system", i dont even know what to say other than your insane. This is about our kids, grandkids, and more. When Rockefeller and Carnegie and others were in their heyday, it took the Roosevelts to turn the Middle Class around and usher in their Golden Age from app. 1955-1985. Damn near every president since FDR has done something that contributed to the gap that there is today.
When I give examples from my life, I am not bitching for myself. I have a wife and kids that love me, I don't have collecters coming after me, and I am perfectly happy giving my life away to provide for them. The examples are for many of the long time drivers on here that havent experienced the modern corporate world. It is different than what it was, and as the saying goes,

keeps rolling downhill. We will soon see an end to the true middle class unless something is changed. History repeats, the only question is will the presidents of the future usher in another golden age, because if left up to wall street and the corporations, typical non-union pay wont change for another 20+ years, and the Republicans will continue to try to break the unions.