Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Not true, and they have never lied, stole or imposed contracts on us.BUST OUTS!! They are. TU has a whole slate of proven failures.
Not true, and they have never lied, stole or imposed contracts on us.BUST OUTS!! They are. TU has a whole slate of proven failures.
Creative reading?Hmmm...So Fred feels higher up officials don't think he's ready for prime time? And you don't see how that contradicts his claim as "doing it for the members". A clear thinking person could easily reach the conclusion he's got a personal agenda here and he's trying to settle scores. Thanks for pointing that out, this issue needs more clarity.
Why can you not post without lying?Fred persecutes his own members and has been brought up on charges for it.
That would be an OG characteristic.As a sellout
More like finally realized that the OG is full of crooks, sellouts and people the will IMPOSE contracts on members who vote down contracts by 94% to 6%.More like he will flip flop to any side to get what he wants
WINNER!!Don't twist words,......
Everyone knows how K.H got involved in Z's elections over the yrs and this last contract what was done to his members over the supplements, no sense in rehashing it,....
Prime time,.....really,.... well "prime time" is getting fired come Nov,.........js
Didn't realize you were Hof supporter, so it's all clear now,.....
Says the guy who wants to record other members with a cell phone and encourages other teamsters to bring reproach as well.
You yourself admitted to putting your letter into management. That's the definition.
You are the biggest liar on BC.His father and grandfather have got to be so ashamed of him.
Reagan lost an election before becoming President.How did he out smart them? By losing? Wow he is a genius. I think I will support him now. Not
Of the dumbest post ever!
Like EVER!
I told you cases, I have discussed cases with agents and I will dicucuss them with you or anyone else if you ever get the juevos to ask me to my face. You pull these stunts of lying on the Internet behind the shield of a fake name when you know you would be on blast if you said it in real life. I can prove you wrong in on so many fronts. Your are proven anti-union and a coward for not putting your name behind what you say or put your butt on the line like we do ever day.You, calling me a scab, now that's a LIE.
That makes you a PROVEN LIAR, since I have never crossed a picket line.
You said I lied about our local never taking a case to panel.
Prove it.
Answer the question.
Lied!!!!!????? What!!!!! Lmfao!!!!!Not true, and they have never lied, stole or imposed contracts on us.
Reagan lost an election before becoming President.
Bill Clinton lost an election before becoming President.
You got to be in the right time and place, and FZ is there now.
Fred's feeling were hurt after he asked to be on the H slate and they told him no. Ask him if he wrote a letter about it. See if he tells you the truth.Creative reading?
I didn't infer that from that post you read.
I mean who put FZ in charge of carhaul?
After all H didn't turn on FZ until FZ joined an opposing slate.
Sounds like H made a fatal mistake.Fred's feeling were hurt after he asked to be on the H slate and they told him no. Ask him if he wrote a letter about it. See if he tells you the truth.
Fred's feeling were hurt after he asked to be on the H slate and they told him no. Ask him if he wrote a letter about it. See if he tells you the truth.
I saw that video on YouTube also....a guy had a rally there but only 5 people showed up.....then all 6 pigs left the marble palaceThe pigs are leaving the marble palace. What s beautiful day !!
I saw that if you as embarrassing.I saw that video on YouTube also....a guy had a rally there but only 5 people showed up.....then all 6 pigs left the marble palace
You kno by saying that over and over it won't make it happen?Fred's gonna win in Nov.......wait and see D.R
Later,........enjoy your Valentines Day,......