Strength through joy
We've all witnessed you spread lies, rumors, and false claims about Obama for the last 2 years.
With a person as secretive as O , care to show everyone your proof about these " false " claims.
We've all witnessed you spread lies, rumors, and false claims about Obama for the last 2 years.
You telling me I'm full of crap is like coming from whiny pigtail freckled face cry baby who's sour over a lost an election, who's in denial of charts, facts and voting tendencies across the US. One is not a racist for pointing out the obvious tendencies. The Country has come along way, but obviously is still divided up like The Union and the Confederate States when it comes to political and racial tendencies. Exit polling also shows a below the Nat'l average disparady for the Dem Obama in the rural mid-Western States as well.
Wow. you accused us of being whiney poor losers while you then admit to some deep seated mental disturbances.
While you're on this racial kick would you also care to admit that many voter of color voted for obama simply because of the color of his skin?
With a person as secretive as O , care to show everyone your proof about these " false " claims.
Wow diesel that is impressive. You are telling me that McCain won the vote among white voters in a state that he carried by a large margin. Great use of your guidebook to dismiss it as racism.
Wow. you accused us of being whiney poor losers while you then admit to some deep seated mental disturbances.
While you're on this racial kick would you also care to admit that many voter of color voted for obama simply because of the color of his skin?
I've noticed countless times on this forum that when liberals can't respond to logic, they fall back on the same ol' responses....
1. "You listen to Rush too much!"
2. "Do you get all your info from Fox News?"
3. "You didn't vote for Obama? You must be a racist!"
Anyone care to add more?Yeah, I do.
Your first mistake on this thread was to "assume" what you and the other right wing fanatics on this board believe is "LOGIC"
Secondly, I think its great that you all started a thread to lick your wounds.
What more needs to be said?
You backed the wrong horse and that horse got a whuppin!
Rush and FAUX news was a non-factor this time around, despite their 24 hour a day brainwashing for the mentally challenged.
Either way, good to see you all drowning in each others tears!
Happy tearfest! Its worth the laugh!
I've noticed countless times on this forum that when liberals can't respond to logic, they fall back on the same ol' responses....
1. "You listen to Rush too much!"
2. "Do you get all your info from Fox News?"
3. "You didn't vote for Obama? You must be a racist!"
Anyone care to add more?
Makes me laugh when a Dem talks about sore losers!!!
They've been whining for 8 years now!!!
I enjoy watching Diesel trying to dig himself out of those deep holes that he buries himself into. Quite humorous.
Aint that the truth!![]()
Since I'm burying myself, allow me to push a few more daisys.....
A few more points on racial profiling and I'm done.....It's not just a southern states hang up either, it's a nat'l Rep Conservative problem. Lets not forget the infinite number of failed attempts of trying to fool those outside the Republican base by accusing that Barack's character was molded and instilled by Rev Wright as an anti-American who hates whitey.
Point two, have you ever bother to notice the make-up of the Republican Party, for example at the GOP Convention ?......Did you look around and try to find a substantial ethnic mix of convention attendees? I'm sure the Production Director with all the camera angles in the audio truck was straining his eyesite to find a minority....
Originally Posted by over9five
Makes me laugh when a Dem talks about sore losers!!!
They've been whining for 8 years now!!!
Well, the democrats believe in the Fairness doctrine and this is just their way now of giving you guys equal time. How SWEET!!!!!!
YouTube - woody woodpecker
Fixed it for yaGod wkmac who is too [-]good [/-]smart to soil himself with being a democrat or republican just gave us the opportunity to laugh at our own stupid selves. Everyone thank god for his benevolence.![]()
Would someone please inform the media that there is no......
Office of the President Elect.
How about Obama is not even President elect untill Dec. 15th.
Why start obeying the Constitution now when the first chance they get, they'll walk all over it like the previous crews who've owned the joint!
Not gonna happen but delegates could change their votes. Now that would be interesting!