Full time in progression gets retro pay


Well-Known Member
Drivers in progress only get progression raise and not the yearly raises.

So if you started your progression before Aug 1, 2013.

You only get the following raises and not the yearly raise.

Start $ 16.10
Seniority $17.25
12 months $18.45
24 months $20.75
36 months Top rate

If you started your progression After Aug 1,2013 but before the contract gets implemented a couple of things could happen.

1. The one most people would want but most likely won't happen is you are on the 3 years progression as above.

2. The most likely to happen you currently on the get paid the 3 years progression rate but get back pay for the difference when the contract is implemented and have a 4 year progression with pay raise below and again you don't get the yearly raises.

Start $18.75
Seniority $18.75
12 Months $19.50
24 Months $21.00
36 Months $25.00
48 months TOP rate
Its amazing how anybody can read the contract:
Full-time employees still in progression on the effective date of this
Master Agreement shall receive the above contractual increases.
And still say you dont get theGWI if you are in progression.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
Our center has new drivers in both the 3 and 4 year progression. Depending on where they are on the timeline determines which is greater, the GWI or the progression rate. Another wrinkle in this situation is whether or not they started as Utility Drivers prior to going through their 30 day packet. In the west they retain their considerably higher rate, currently about 25.30, until the progression catches up to that rate. They will forego the GWI given to those in progression as it is below their Utility rate.


Well-Known Member
People have been saying that drivers in progression don't get the raise or a retro check. Well, I did.

I am in the west. I was a utility driver before I went full time Feb 2013. I've been getting utility pay rate - $24.54. A few weeks ago I got my 70 cent raise so it's up to $25.24 now. And I got a retro check.


Well-Known Member
Our center has new drivers in both the 3 and 4 year progression. Depending on where they are on the timeline determines which is greater, the GWI or the progression rate. Another wrinkle in this situation is whether or not they started as Utility Drivers prior to going through their 30 day packet. In the west they retain their considerably higher rate, currently about 25.30, until the progression catches up to that rate. They will forego the GWI given to those in progression as it is below their Utility rate.
The progression rates and GWI are totately seperate from each other. One has nothing to do with the other. No matter where you are on the payscale, if you have a seniority date prior to Aug 1, you get the GWI.


Well-Known Member
Just chiming in here. I was hired may2013 and finally made book August 4th. I haven't gotten a raise or retro check. Steward has no answer for me so I'm waiting patiently.


What is it? A brown box. Duh
Why is that you ask? Very simple, if you receive your progression raise in october, you do not receive as much retro pay as someone who receives their raise in February.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Why is that you ask? Very simple, if you receive your progression raise in october, you do not receive as much retro pay as someone who receives their raise in February.
To all in progression, it's too long, too complicated, and not fair that for a long period of time, you all bust your butts and do the same work or more than us senior employees.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
The progression rates and GWI are totately seperate from each other. One has nothing to do with the other. No matter where you are on the payscale, if you have a seniority date prior to Aug 1, you get the GWI.

Yes, that's correct, but it still depends where you are in the progression. You should get both, GWI and progression raise. This will create multiple pay rates for those in progression. The handout I got from the local details the amounts, but without it it is rather confusing.