Funniest names you've seen on pkgs


Senior Member
Saw a Kathy Craig Corn yesterday...... but I don't care. :laugh:

The weirdest personally was when I delivered a tombstone that had my complete name on it. And the widow/consignees name was the same as my mother.
did you check the birth and death dates on the tombstone?
I would have just out of curiosity.


Senior Member
I delivered a box of "Dream Away" pills.(lose fat as you sleep, b.s.) to Bea Small.
She stood 5ft tall and 3ft wide,
that mental image has stuck with me for two decades.


I deliver to a restaurant where the guy that signs is extremley effeminate and obviously gay.His last name is Hoover.


free at last.......
I also have a Sharon Peters on my route.

Know of a guy in town named Dick Head. I believe he prefers to be called Richard nowadays.


Retired Senior Member
I have delivered to Woody Hardick. I never thought about it till I had a sig. reqd. pkg & he smiled and told me about the abuse he took in high school as I clarified his name!


Well-Known Member
I never actually delivered to this guy, but there is a doctor in our local phone book that goes by the name of Ronald Hamburger. I'm not kidding.


Been many years ago now, but I'll never forget. I used to deliver fairly often to the residence of Dr. Whacker. One summer, his daughter was getting married and the wedding presents all came addressed to Talia Whacker.


Where next? Venice
Many years ago (1960's) I delivered a package to a Peter Rabbit. I mentioned this to my dad who was a cop and he burst out laughing. It seems Peter was stopped by another officer for speeding a few weeks back. That was when you actually got out of your car and walked back to the police car. The cop got out and when he asked this guy his name, the answer was "Peter Rabbit". Well, the cop thought he was being a wise guy and he gave him a wack with his billy club! He then produced ID that he was actually "Peter Rabbit" at which time the cop apologized. That would have been police brutality today and the city would be sued.

By the way, I later found out his brother's name was "Jack".


Agent of Change
I guess the two funniest I saw on the inside were Nenver (Denver) and Neverland (Nederland). The latter is west of Denver. I forget the elevation but its above Boulder. -Rocky