Gamer Mom not happy I left her tv in the water


Well-Known Member
Where's the method that says we have to get a signature for high end deliveries? Never heard that. Then again they never taught half the things I know about this job. I say if they want a signature they can pay for it. I'm not here to save anyone money and skirt the add-ons for them I'm here to fulfill a premium service and deliver their package as requested in an efficient and safe manner
@Dragon any input/feedback?


You smell that?
Where's the method that says we have to get a signature for high end deliveries? Never heard that. Then again they never taught half the things I know about this job. I say if they want a signature they can pay for it. I'm not here to save anyone money and skirt the add-ons for them I'm here to fulfill a premium service and deliver their package as requested in an efficient and safe manner


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Well-Known Member
Stuff like that I will knock on their door to see if they’re home. If they answer, “Hey I just wanted to make sure you get this. Have a nice day.” Not home? Ok. I’ll try to leave it in the backyard, if that’s not an option I’ll conceal it somewhere out front. Once in awhile there is literally nowhere to hide a package, then it’s NI-1. Even if I could release it I’d rather have an extra stop tomorrow than deal with a driver follow up. At which point I’d have to explain why I left a nice gaming monitor out for someone to steal.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Stuff like that I will knock on their door to see if they’re home. If they answer, “Hey I just wanted to make sure you get this. Have a nice day.” Not home? Ok. I’ll try to leave it in the backyard, if that’s not an option I’ll conceal it somewhere out front. Once in awhile there is literally nowhere to hide a package, then it’s NI-1. Even if I could release it I’d rather have an extra stop tomorrow than deal with a driver follow up. At which point I’d have to explain why I left a nice gaming monitor out for someone to steal.
Exactly! Basically using the clearer of the two methods “out of sight, out of weather” and “don’t DR high risk or controlled packages” to safely get a package delivered when feasible.

I swear some of these guys overthink these decisions.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the route too though. I'm in the country most of the day a lot of times on longer type driveways where you can't even see stuff from the road. That's a much safer DR with objects like televisions.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Certain items i don't DR unless there's an electronic signature, tv's, computers, cellphones, etc.
Who cares if it's a send again?
Most of the time it gets "will call" before I'm back to the building.
Those guys disagreeing would make FedEx and Amazon proud.
Agreed ,, We are old school dinosaurs I guess
Treat every package like it was my Nanas


Well-Known Member
I just did some training on Driver Release on the DIAD the other day. It said tv’s, electronics, jewelry, cell phones, or other high value items should never be DR’d.😂🤣😂 I would say management would say otherwise!
Had a phone package that looked clearly robbed. Called my supe and he said “not a recommendation but just deliver it and get the hell out of there.”