Capping off wells is what The Saudis want .
It's all about market share and which governments they can topple with out firing a shot ; Iran , Venezuela , & Russia will be the first to fail since they have place a high price on oil for their state budgets . They don't have the monies available to with stand the price drop and keep their economies going .
You dont understand the oil market at all. No surprise there.
Saudi Arabia and OPEC have said for YEARS that "THEY" didnt want the price of oil to exceed $70 dollars a barrel because if it did, western countries would search for alternatives.
Then, During GW BUSH's terror on America, oil rose to its highest levels in history at 150 dollars a barrel.
Thats when the game changed. President OBAMA was not going to allow the oil companies to SIT on land leases and not drill, so he started taking them away and giving them to producers who WOULD drill.
Because of this, oil production in this country has risen to levels unseen since 1949.
Now we EXPORT more oil than we import.
For the Saudis and opec, they see falling market share, so they are bringing the price down to reality instead of the INFLATED prices that the US TRADERS and OIL companies have maintained for years.
The price of a barrel of oil shouldnt be higher than 30 dollars a barrel.
All you have to do is look at the compensation of the execs at each oil company to know that the Americans are getting ripped off each and everyday.
Out of the mouth of Boone T Pickens, he says that wells will be continued to be CAPPED until the price of oil goes back to 90 dollars a barrel.
Limiting supply by direct action by the oil companies.
Its all a scam and people like you fall for it everytime.