Georgia, Georgia Always On My Mind ... Because Georgia Controls US Senate Leadership


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Stacie Abrams sister the judge doesn't recuse herself from the case over voters that applied to have their mail forwarded because they moved? Insane.

Why do you notify the postal service that you have moved unless you live someplace new Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner?
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nowhere special
I wonder if she is a twin ?
No but there is a family resemblance.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

Black Voters Matter Action PAC is running commercials down here in Georgia basically saying vote for the Democrats because "they gonna git us our money ... $300 a week ain't enuf! You know us Blacks need more!
I'm wondering if it is a Republican's paid for commercial ... I find it racist and disparaging to Blacks ... and I'm not Black!

Very reminiscent of the Miami sister saying, "Obama is gonna pay my mortgage."

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
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Black Voters Matter Action PAC is running commercials down here in Georgia basically saying vote for the Democrats because "they gonna git us our money ... $300 a week ain't enuf! You know us Blacks need more!
I'm wondering if it is a Republican's paid for commercial ... I find it racist and disparaging to Blacks ... and I'm not Black!

Very reminiscent of the Miami sister saying, "Obama is gonna pay my mortgage."
I've paid attention and this PAC is running several commercials ... the other two I have seen are more 'Middle Class' and not specifically targeted at poor and parasitic Blacks like the commercial I quoted above.


Well-Known Member

Battle for US Senate control awaits in Georgia after Biden win

Senate seats in Southern US state headed to runoffs on January 5 which will decide the balance of power in Washington.

The result in the southern US state would also determine how much a Joe Biden presidency would be able to achieve.
The stakes are high in a post-election cliffhanger that will determine the balance of power between Democrats and Republicans in Washington, as neither party has secured a Senate majority.

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:censored2: georgia. their too stupid to figure out the gun in their hand is pointed at their head