the south fought for states rights so in those southern states one of the benifits of victory would have been the right to enslave. But for how long. You could see that many prominent americans during that time even in the south did not believe in slavery or were developing feelings of empathy for thier slaves.
The Reasons for Secession
"Every state in the Confederacy issued an “Article of Secession” declaring their break from the Union. Four states went further. Texas, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina all issued additional documents, usually referred to as the “Declarations of Causes," which explain their decision to leave the Union. The documents can be found in their entirety here.
Two major themes emerge in these documents: slavery and states' rights. All four states strongly defend slavery while making varying claims related to states' rights. Other grievances, such as economic exploitation and the role of the military, receive limited attention in some of the documents. This article will present, in detail, everything that was said in the Declarations of Causes pertaining to these topics."