"get that crap off the lawn"...Oklahoma Supreme Court says...


Inordinately Right
...and able bodied men and women don't feel as though they need to work...
And do you think that's a new development?
Sometimes I wonder if people who post things like this even realize they come across like that drunk uncle everyone in the family loves to laugh at during the saturnalia festivities.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That's true. Everywhere I looked yesterday I saw people captured by Stockholm Syndrome who expected of their captors to grant them something in return for compliance in locking their own cell doors.
That's funny because most of the ones I see can't be differentiated from anyone else. Ya know.... some of the people in the checkout lines at Walmart with the latest designer clothes, a kid on both hips, nice cars (and a hefty payment to boot), and the latest smart phones. And then as I see them ridding their shopping carts of all of the best goodies that Walmart has to offer and that's when the only clue to their entitlement minded existence is revealed. The good ole food "stamps" card is unveiled.

But that's usually right after the person before them has severely delayed the line by presenting enough coupons to pay for every item in my shopping cart. Throw in an old lady with a checkbook full of checks that have to be fed into the cashiers little machine at least 6 times before they register and that is often my experience in a Walmart checkout line.

And do I even need to mention the people that think someone else should pay for their college tuition? Hell, why not MY mortgage?!?! LOL!
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Well-Known Member
I'm asking because I don't truly know:

Which 'welfare' is bigger, corporate or individual?


The other part of Corporate welfare is how much of public or individual welfare ends up on the profit side of the general ledger for many corporate interests? Just like food stamps, where does the food stamp dollar ultimately come to rest once it completes its journey through the economy?

As the old saying goes, follow the money!


Well-Known Member

The other part of Corporate welfare is how much of public or individual welfare ends up on the profit side of the general ledger for many corporate interests? Just like food stamps, where does the food stamp dollar ultimately come to rest once it completes its journey through the economy?

As the old saying goes, follow the money!

So corporate welfare, in and of itself is huge, and gets fed by 'individual' welfare, like the snake eating it's own tail?


No wonder we're so effed.

This get's back to your point about the fallacy of voting...no matter who you vote for, either and both sides win, and the voter still loses.

I want a new party, the 'space' party, that will campaign on harnessing the geniuses of the world to get us off-planet so we can perpetuate our genius/madness throughout the galaxy.

Any takers?


Well-Known Member
So corporate welfare, in and of itself is huge, and gets fed by 'individual' welfare, like the snake eating it's own tail?


No wonder we're so effed.

This get's back to your point about the fallacy of voting...no matter who you vote for, either and both sides win, and the voter still loses.

It's like the prisoners in a prison being allowed to elect a new warden but they can only choose their candidates from among the guards. Come election day the prisoners are suppose to forget that in the end, all the guards and any given warden all share the same interests and this means perpetuation of the existing order.


Well-Known Member
There is no excuse for companies like Walmart and FedEx to get away with the pay scale they do and have the government pick up the slack. But they do and we do.

Seems like a very good example of corporate and individual welfare dovetailing, mostly to benefit the corporate side.


Well-Known Member
Seems like a very good example of corporate and individual welfare dovetailing, mostly to benefit the corporate side.

Does corporate welfare hide behind individual welfare so the rest of us have a straw man to beat on as political diversion?


Engorged Member
There is no excuse for companies like Walmart and FedEx to get away with the pay scale they do and have the government pick up the slack. But they do and we do.

Taxpayer-subsidized labor. Why isn't the GOP all upset about this? This is corporate welfare of the worst kind, but nobody on the GOP ticket will say a peep because these are the companies that back them.
More hypocrisy from The Right.