so I'm certain we will see some concrete action soon.
Scratch i was wondering if she flew over on a private broomBCI am sure that man does have a certain amount of impact on our environment. We clear cut forest, like the Amazon, and do add a lot of pollution to the air. But natural disasters like volcanoes and forests fires add a lot of stuff to the atmosphere too. The cow flatulence and waves breaking in the ocean add to the greenhouse effect to a certain extent too, I don't know what we can do about that. And the Earth does spin around the Sun in an orbit that we have no say about. While man does do a lot of damage to our world, Mother Nature has a remarkable ability to repair a lot of it. We shouldn't worry about this though. Our queen, Nancy Pelosi, is now in Europe solving this very problem. I wonder if she flew over there on a private jet since she is so concerned about our environment?
Coming from a Californian,I'm sure your familiar with the smog and poor air quality on a bright sunny day in the valley with no wind in highly populated concentrated areas.
Tell us,was that from "Cow Farts" or Car emmissions?
I bet if you drive pass Mira Loma Horse farm your gonna smell Horse crap.And if you drive by a Pig Farm your gonna smell Pig Crap.Denial of Human execeleration of global warming(even a small contribution) will only hurt our future generations.
over9five"...Al Gore is himself a resource hogging pig."Many prominent scientists also deny the global warming scare is as bad as the doomsayers claim.
Our industry is heavily regulated with all types of emission controls that scientists said would prevent the conditions that cause global warming.
our cars, trucks buses and planes are heavily saddled with emission controls that scientists claimed would prevent the conditions that cause global warming.
we now pay for the privledge of having our emission tested yearly.
We are on a big green kick replanting trees whereever possible.
Build anything and you have all kinds of permits you have to get to ensure you don't do anything that harms the environment.
Despite the many things we do to prevent the global warming already we are led to believe the affects of global warming are accelerating.
But the best of all ironies to me was finding out that the main propenent leading the charge against global warming Al Gore is himself a resource hogging pig. If he ain't too worried about it I guess it ain't that bad.
"But the best of all ironies to me was finding out that the main propenent leading the charge against global warming Al Gore is himself a resource hogging pig. If he ain't too worried about it I guess it ain't that bad."
Yeah, and he invented the internet so its all his fault anyway.
Let's stay focused on a solution,instead of denial and resorting to name calling.This should'nt be political,unless some have to be told how to think and respond to justify and solidify their side of the political spectrum.Would you feel more secure if more Republicans/Conservatives go on record and lobby for more reduction in pollution emissions and solutions for more Earth friendly human consumption?
Can you look your children/grandchildren in the eyes and tell them with a straight face and say "I supported legislation to leave you a clean Earth".
Ask yourselves,do I align myself with my political party and remain selfish or do I DO THE RIGHT THING.
You quoted Tie's post maybe you should read it again. Pretty much sums up many of the things we are already doing and and we will continue to do more. Tie's statement sounds like it's an inconvienance and a drag that emission controls,permits,replanting are implemented because we are "led to believe of Global Warming"
Do you think exaggerating and scaring your children with the likes of Al Gore horror stories who he himself doesn't even take seriously as shown by his lead by example, I'm a hypocrite with an astronomical energy bill attitude is going to help your children?? It's an example of, do as I say not as I do.The EPA and Air Quality Index ratings are an exaggerated ?Cities declaring Ozone action Day a scare tactic?Maybe YOU need to read my post again pertaining to Ozone Health warnings.As far as Gore's energy bill:
"A part of the Gore's family response is that they purchase all of the power for their...
Belle Meade home through the local Green Powerswitch Program.
The Green Power Switch is a NES program that allows its customers to buy power that is generated from clean, renewable resources.
Green power sources are primarily wind, solar and methane gas.
NES gathers its green power from the Tennessee Valley Authority.
The TVA runs several facilities across the state to make green power.
Wind power comes from a modern day windmill plant on Buffalo Mountain near Oak Ridge.
The TVA has 16 sites that gather solarpower.
The sites include the Adventure Science Center in Nashville, Dollywood in east Tennessee, and as far away as the University of Mississippi in Oxford.
Solar power is generated from photovoltaic panels that convert the sun's energy to electricity.
Energy from methane gas is provided by the city of Memphis wastewater treatment facility, which produces a methane by-product that is co-fired with coal. "
"Regardless of what Al Gore preaches about these matters, the way he lives strikes me as reasonable. He was of the manor born, to be sure, but he has earned a lot of money on his own. He has every right to a ginormous house, a fleet of cars, and to be flown around the world in private planes to speak out against the dangers of global warming. While it's funny in microcosm, it strikes me as a perfectly defensible trade-off to use a thousand times more energy than the average guy in an effort to influence macro-level energy and environmental policy. " End quote
Just curious how will you look your children in the eyes with a straight face because you selfishly bought into these scare tactics??What's so selfish about supporting a cleaner Earth?I'll look into their eyes with a clear conscience,how 'bout you?
And in a few years when all the Global Warming hype is gone Global Warmimg hype gone?yeah,let's do nothing,maybe it will all go away.Emission control,permits,etc...are'nt the answer.Alternative fuels ,bio-diesels,wind,solar etc..are.
Dependencey on Middle East oil,growing economys in China,India...hype isn't going anywhere.
and junior is asking... when are we gonna die daddy, what will you tell him??I'm gonna tell them Brazonbrown and his politically motivated friends said Global Warming was just hype.Then Junior is gonna ask "Can I go out and play?"...No junior,the air quality index is 300 today.
I'll be able to look my child or grandchildren in the eyes knowing we're doing a lot to help with keeping the earth clean
Don't forget to wear your ultra violet-gamma ray sunglasses and breathing filters when you look into their eyes.
Just trying to do the right thing!
Comments to the US Congress 2 years ago by Dr. Patrick Moore who is head of Greenspirit and founder and former member of Greenpeace. His words are a growing voice among the environmental movement that has accepted a more pragmatic approach to the situation.
What causes global warming?
Al Gore or as Rush Limbaugh calls him, Algore such as Igor, Dr Frankensteins assistant!What causes global warming?
Cars. The non green vehicles and SUV’s have to go. Spend 32 grand on a Prius that cost 5 grand to produce, or lease the new Lexus 450GS sedan for 1200 bucks a month.
But… what if a Prius really is harder on the environment than a Hummer?
Your article does point out in the long run Hybrids are more practical once production costs level out.
Does a Hummer use less energy to produce and drive than a hybrid compact car? Well, maybe they do today because of the huge upfront capital investments and R&D required to develop an entirely new product, such as the hybrid vehicle. But, in three years or so, when these costs of producing hybrids have been amortized over time and when the production of these cars becomes more efficient, the investment will pay off. Skeptics of hybrids won’t be chuckling for long.
Light bulbs. We’re supposed to change our light bulbs to the compact flourscent ones, even though they contain mercury…
If ever If every American home replaced their 5 most frequently used light fixtures or the bulbs in them with ones that have earned the ENERGY STAR, we would save close to $8 billion each year in energy costs, and together we would prevent the greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions from nearly 10 million cars. (from the Energy Star program)
Put a CFL in place of a 60W incandescent bulb and you will save $30 over the life of the bulb.
According to a recent report by the Washington, D.C.-based Earth Policy Institute, a worldwide shift to CFLs would permit the closing of more than 270 coal-fired power plants. Switching to CFLs in the U.S. alone could save the energy output of 80 plants. For environmentalists, the clincher is that by requiring less energy, CFLs will actually cut down on mercury pollution produced by coal burning, and EPA agrees.
Recycling opportunities, however, should soon be increasing as CFLs become established as mainstream household lighting. Retailers such as Ikea have store-based collection centers for used bulbs, and a similar program is being developed by Home Depot in Canada. "Recycling programs are already in place in many areas," noted mercury clean-up expert Hogue. "Community leaders don't need to reinvent the wheel."
Energy. How about wind farms? But no, they kill birds…
Indeed wind turbines can kill birds.
The national average would suggest annual deaths of birds of all species, an infinitesimal fraction of the total number traversing these regions.
There is clearly a trade-off here but I believe that a cost-benefit analysis comes down on the side of the wind turbines. I join my birding colleagues in their concern for the death or injury of any bird, but I suggest that wind turbines represent the least of their worries. For example, a single feral cat kills more birds in a week than the average wind turbine kills in over three years.-
Go easy on the H20. Stop buying bottled water for crying out loud. There’s nothing wrong with what comes out of your tap. How much co2 is produced carting this stuff around in trucks?
"Bottled water is produced and regulated exclusively for human consumption," "Some people in their municipal markets have the luxury of good water. Others do not."
All goods are trucked,however home delivery is a little lazy unless it's the 5 gallon jugs.Too heavy for some people.
Your post reguarding poor road const.,lowest bidder,shoddy materials, is very true...can't argue with that.