Global warming


Strength through joy
Satire, Baba.

What is the origin of 'Baba gounj' ?
No satire , I hear every news person and every story written about Global Warming stress over and over that man is responsible for this .
Are you attempting to now tell me that they all have been lying to everyone for years ?


Well-Known Member
No satire , I hear every news person and every story written about Global Warming stress over and over that man is responsible for this .
Are you attempting to now tell me that they all have been lying to everyone for years ?

Um not at all.

We're (humans) responsible for the greatest part of the warming.

Believe it or not, that's the deal.

You didn't answer my question...


Well-Known Member
just watched an interview with jill stein, she was quoting a climate scientist from NOAA, and they are revising sea level rise to 9 feet by 2050
When will it start? That will be about 3 inches a year. I'm only asking because I'm only about 5 feet above sea level.


Retired 23 years
Another brutally cold winter for Mn. is predicted by the Old Farmers Almanac. This friggen global warming is sure taking its time reaching us.


Well-Known Member
When will it start? That will be about 3 inches a year. I'm only asking because I'm only about 5 feet above sea level.
i saw some article the other day where they are building stilts on their houses somewhere in america because of rising sea levels.


Strength through joy
Massachusetts years ago made shoreline houses go up on stilts. Worked great for those shoreline houses but every house behind inland started to get damage that they never had before.
So the costs after a storm to the towns increased.
Seems that those shoreline house had been working as a defense line against storms for decades and some pencil pusher at some insurance company only thought it would lower claims, but raise them.


Well-Known Member
Svein T veitdal ‏@tveitdal 27m27 minutes ago

The Arctic just had the warmest winter on record. The repercussions will be global …
