Hottest year on record, three years in a row.
Probably bad science.
The key word here is "on record." Not contesting the claim but what we overlook is other data using proxies like Oxygen isotopes to also measure temperature and CO2. These proxies found in the
Greenland and Anarctic Ice Core samples that date back over 800k years may be confirming a global climate change but it may not be the way many are speaking of it. Looking across an 800k year timeline, we may be about to end the Holocene epoch we've been in the last 12k or so years and returning to a kind of climate that is fairly typical of global climate over the last 800k per some of the ice core data. Also notice the data seems to suggest a cyclic pattern to climate that is fairly consistent over the last 800k years. We don't know what cause the wave form to move up but just a equally troubling for where we could be in that wave right now, what causes the tipping point to shift direction and go down and I mean WAY DOWN?
But even during our current Holocene epoch,
many climate shifts have still occurred or in other words, climate change may well be a constant. Man has good reason to not be wreckless and careless with the planet, on that I concur but to narrow the field of view to the last several hundred years while ignoring a vastly larger volume of data IMO is equally foolish if not disingenuous.