Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
Why are you guys/gals still fussing about global warming? Haven't you all figured out it's nothing more than Liberal propaganda and money hungry scientist propaganda? LOL!
Nice spin and hoax on a scientific term never used unless your are a chemical major answering a pop quiz. What I do question, should Penn and Teller be profiting from someone else's hoax and portray people as being stupid and uninformed. Maybe they should come up with more original material.
Admittingly this does expose people's willingness to support an issue their not entirerly sure of plus having an attractive trust worthy looking doublecrossing blonde does hurt.
Now D,
If this was a situation of where the folks pulling the joke were "democrats" or "liberals" of your flavor and the victims where "republicans" or "conservatives" you'd be flaunting that stuff all over the place!
What's wrong, you can dish it out but can't take it?
Truth is, you could pull that deal about anywhere and the vast majority of people would fall for it. Jokes like that have been pulled before and a lot of Micheal Moore's movies have that kind of humorous kick to them. If Mike made a movie with all serious fact after fact, it's only show late night on the History Channel but Mike includes the humor moments mixed in with the facts to give the audience a light hearted break for one.
So now here comes Penn and Teller doing something in the same vein and you cry foul!
You need to pull up you big boy pants and be a man!
Do you have any big boy pants I can borrow just like the likes of the Libertian Duo of Penn and Teller burrowed from the original creator of the Dihydrogen monoxide hoax to not only profit from but to humiliate and embarrass people. Sorry to your sensitivity toward the critique of Penn and Teller. But I think I already admitted peoples weaknesses towards deceptive practices, or what you would call a "joke". I'm not defending Micheal Moore, but I believe he created his own original material reguardless of their authenticity. That was the point I was trying to make. So I'm calling a "foul tip",I still have another strike to knock it out of the ball park....Play Ball
You just got upset over the fact these guys showed how the public at large can be taken so quickly without every taking a moment to consider the topics being discussed.
Upset ? Naa....Not my kind of smug humor.
And the fact that most of the folks done in were of your ilk!
I don't think me or my biker friends would fit in with that crowd.
They allowed someone to define something and accept that definition based on their own reactions as to how it was all framed wthout first asking the most important question of all. What is DiHydrogen Monoxide? Just because the "chemical" sounded nasty, no need to ask what it is, just get rid of it.
Agreed, but I wonder how many nays ended up on the editors floor.
Had this thing been somehow reversed and the subject been of getting one over on conservatives or "LIBERTARIANS" you'd be swinging from the rafters with joy and you're a DAMN liar if you say otherwise! Jones' Diebold link in another thread also picks a bit of humorous fun at certain elements and a bit to republicans in some case. Hell, it was funny. You enjoy when the joke is on republicans/conservatives/and even libertarians and a lot of them are a riot so again, pull up your big boy pants and stop acting the over emotional, illogical type.
DAMN.....Are the velcro strips on your "Depends" to tight under those big boy pants of yours?
For me, humor is all about the delivery. If you notice I like to share humorous items to the BC. Some political, some related to a thread. Don't take it to personal, I'm just not a big fan of the smug, debunking, you've been punked type of humor as displayed by the likes of Penn and Teller. My other problem with them notably not for what they “debunk” (which is questionable) but rather what glaring targets they ignore, such as 9/11( no I'm not a believer so relax people), both 2000 and 2004 elections, the Iraq invasion, Manifest Destiny , media coverage by a few huge corporations; corporate welfare….ect ect
They chose very easy targets, and it has become very fashionable lately with neo-con pundits and followers to attack “politically correct” subjects, generally relying on stereotyped imagery and hidden sleeve tactics to make their points.
IMO Penn and Teller are no better than Rush or O’reilly. But then, at least the title of their little program is honest: Bu!!!
As Henry David Thoreau said: "Shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous."
Uh, you might go work out some more as I'm not sure how far you'll hit the ball with a plastic bat!
The playing field is level and reduced when you start throwing whiffle balls.
However my bat of chioce is the "Plasma Fusion" Rawlings "Liquidmetal" 31' 34' for my Sunday Morning Extra curricular activities.
Another Henry David Thoreau quote:
"In the long run men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high."
The playing field is level and reduced when you start throwing whiffle balls.
However my bat of chioce is the "Plasma Fusion" Rawlings "Liquidmetal" 31' 34' for my Sunday Morning Extra curricular activities
RUSH: Did you see the news over the weekend? Richard Branson, the eccentric billionaire who owns Virgin Atlantic Airways, loaded up a 747 -- one engine, the fourth engine of a 747 with coconut oil -- and some nuts, some kind of wacko nuts from the rain forest. Twenty percent of the jet fuel mixture was coconut oil and something else, and the other three engines were full-fledged kerosene, Jet A. He flew an empty airplane from London, Amsterdam or whatever. It was proclaimed a big, big success. Folks, do you realize how ridiculous this is?
CONFLATE ...... meld or fuse into one entity. Gee, I thought it sounded dirty.
If you conflate too much you might conflagrate !!
Posting a paper on 'climate truth' that is put out by a group funded by Exxon Mobil doesn't prove much at all, except gullibility.
Evidently, your convictions don't inhibit you from making good money in an industry that creates a lot of bad emissions that you rail against.Posting a paper on 'climate truth' that is put out by a group funded by Exxon Mobil doesn't prove much at all, except gullibility.
The facts are the report was put out by a group funded by Exxon Mobil. Why should I believe them as opposed to what the NOAA says?You will attack the source of any article that refutes your global warming theories. You ignore the facts as usual of course.
I'm retired, living off the dole. BTW, UPS is a leader in alternative energy sources in their industry. Thankfully the people who run the company are better informed than those who post here.Evidently, your convictions don't inhibit you from making good money in an industry that creates a lot of bad emissions that you rail against.