The difference between the lame rockets that are being fired into israel, is that they are UNGUIDED aimless rockets with small payloads. Sometimes they get lucky and kill an israeli, but most of the time, they land in fields, in the ocean or in the middle of a road causing no damage.
Israeil on the other hand, in retaliation, LEVELS entire streets without regard to human life using precision weapons with LARGE payloads.
This is the Typical effect of a gaza rocket
And this is the response from Israel..
While I do not think Israel should just let the rockets fly into their country, there should be a better way to stop the rockets without leveling civilian households.
The excuse that the rockets are coming out of those apartments is just ridiculous. They have a short range and have to be as close to the israeli border as possible.
There is nothing fair about the level of retaliation that is being used on the palestinian people.
All that is going to happen is that "WE" the american consumer will end up paying for Israels action when the price of a barrel of oil skyrockets.
The cost of "THEIR" war will be paid by all of US.