going through grievance process fired!


Well-Known Member
End of the Line for L Train

UPS Dumps the L Train

Open Package Puts L Train on Side Spur

L Train Opens Package, Closes Career

L Train Set Up, Takes Bait, Loses Job
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Für Meno :)
Be nice now, at first Itrain, it's kinda devestating. But, you'll get over it. You know the work you done. The long hrs, heavy lifting, the time stress.
And management treating you like a soldier.

You'll get a new job in no time. City transit is mostly hiring, post office, or another courier company.
Always something out there, for someone willing to work.
Esspecially with your qualifications.

Wishing you good luck, and stay in touch on here !


My case was based on allegations.Nothing was proven,company could'nt prove i tampered with pkg.One union panel member killed me!i have 3 kids and the benefits alone i needed.It hurts to know when you've done nothing wrong and your lively hood is taking instantly!if i was so dirty why cut me a check for $2000 and not fight my unemployment?some of you here are heartless and god be with you!


Für Meno :)
My case was based on allegations.Nothing was proven,company could'nt prove i tampered with pkg.One union panel member killed me!i have 3 kids and the benefits alone i needed.It hurts to know when you've done nothing wrong and your lively hood is taking instantly!if i was so dirty why cut me a check for $2000 and not fight my unemployment?some of you here are heartless and god be with you!

You really have my sympathy. If I had 3 kids, I would not get by at all, being unemployed.
As far as bennies go, thats an american homemade disaster.
I hope, someday, in future, healthcare will no longer be work related.
Like in moat all other countries.

Now, esspecially the wrong timing, with that flu virus out there.

All you can do, is take this time wisely, search for jobs on the net (every newspaper, daily, job bank etc).

Maybe even upgrade your licence to semi-truck driver ?

Hope you get by, and again, wishing you the best, and hoping something better comes your way.


Für Meno :)
My case was based on allegations.Nothing was proven,company could'nt prove i tampered with pkg.One union panel member killed me!i have 3 kids and the benefits alone i needed.It hurts to know when you've done nothing wrong and your lively hood is taking instantly!if i was so dirty why cut me a check for $2000 and not fight my unemployment?some of you here are heartless and god be with you!

You really have my sympathy. If I had 3 kids, I would not get by at all, being unemployed.
As far as bennies go, thats an american homemade disaster.
I hope, someday, in future, healthcare will no longer be work related.
Like in moat all other countries.

Now, esspecially the wrong timing, with that flu virus out there.

All you can do, is take this time wisely, search for jobs on the net (every newspaper, daily, job bank etc).

Maybe even upgrade your licence to semi-truck driver ?

Hope you get by, and again, wishing you the best, and hoping something better comes your way.

Do they have an independent Laborboard there, that will fight that decision once Union gives up , and is free of charge ?
If so, contact them.


You can say that again.....Oh, you already did. I think that we have not heard the "whole" story from the OP. One does not get fired "permanently" without there being weighty evidence, do they?


Package Center Manager
I'd of thought you would have slammed the OP. Just when you think you have someone figured out, they go and change their avatar and posting style.

STUG - Who says I don't listen.....

As long as the poster doesn't blame EVERYTHING on management it's all good.


I'd of thought you would have slammed the OP. Just when you think you have someone figured out, they go and change their avatar and posting style.

STUG - Who says I don't listen.....

As long as the poster doesn't blame EVERYTHING on management it's all good.
It's kinda hard to do this, when it takes two to tango, although there have been times that MGMT has called me out to dance and I just didn't want to.


New Member
as of three weeks i got walked off they said i tamperd with the intent.i had a fixed up pkg made by security it was misloaded on truck they took pics of pkg early that morning well after an 9 hour day on my industrial route the said pkg got damaged so i taped it up and when i returned to building i put all misloads on belt i had five know i'm going to panel any advice please help.

can u prove evrything you said? if u can u will be fine. why would they do that


i can prove everything,unfortunatley ups thinks there above the law.So i took it in my own hands and we will see what they do then?like i said the facts are all here say,on there side how doe's someone get terminated for taping up a pkg? even one of our fellow teamsters was confused by the companies allegations.I will take this to a higher level


i can prove everything,unfortunatley ups thinks there above the law.So i took it in my own hands and we will see what they do then?like i said the facts are all here say,on there side how doe's someone get terminated for taping up a pkg? even one of our fellow teamsters was confused by the companies allegations.I will take this to a higher level
So you're saying there is more of the process left? You sort of left us hanging with your last post, as though it was all over. Here's something you can use at the next level. I had 2 pkgs of ProFlowers on Friday. Both pkgs were for the same address and one box bottom was wide open. I grabbed my tape gun and taped it up, including the card I assumed was supposed to be inside the box. This was my last stop in one area before proceeding to the next area.

When I got to the next area, I couldn't find the pkg for that stop. I remembered seeing it, so it had to be somewhere in the pkg car. Long story short, I realize that I taped up the small envelope (CD Mailer) inside of the ProFlowers box I had just delivered, some 2 miles away. I didn't panic, just continued delivering till close to lunch time, at which point I went back to the ProFlower stop, opened the pkg, (which hadn't been brought inside yet), found the missing pkg, delivered it and went to lunch. Sometimes stuff like this happens. It's nothing to lose a job over.