Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio...


Nine Lives
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Why do you two have to turn every thread into your personal issue battlefields? The personal insults are off topic and neither of add anything worth reading when you are doing that.

I guess it's been a while since you had kids at home ... take your nerve pill and it will be okay. :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

The report alleges that Goldline grossly overcharges for the gold coins that constitute the bulk of its business, uses misleading sales techniques and takes advantage of fears about President Barack Obama’s stewardship of the economy – which are stoked by its stable of paid conservative endorsers including Beck, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and Fred Thompson – “to cheat consumers.”

Read more:

Weiner said he plans this week to introduce legislation to require Goldline and other precious metal retailers to fully disclose all their fees, how much the price of gold would need to rise in order for their customers’ investments to yield a profit, and the purchase price, melt value and resale value of the metal that constitutes their products. And he called on the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the Federal Trade Commission to investigate “the shady business practices conducted by Goldline International.”

This guy sounds like a real wiener. Bullion trades at such a narrow range $20-$30 over spot (gold) Many companies show their bid/ask prices. For something like a $20 Saint in MS65 the dealer bid/ask today is $1910/$2070. So if I bought one for a customer for $2070 and sold it to them for say $2270. With gold spot at $1212 today and a $1910 bid, tomorrow spot could be $1200 with a $1950 bid, and the next day spot could be $1225 with a $1880 bid. The only thing for certain is the customer will profit if the spot price goes over $2300. Besides coin dealers arn't regulated. The SEC doesn't have any jurisdiction.


golden ticket member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Weiner is a sight to behold. When he is on a talk show, nobody gets to talk but him !! He's a real jerk. He's worried more about Beck than the constituents he represents.


Well-Known Member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Typically the US mint is the most expensive place to buy. And most of what it sells is junk.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Weiner is a sight to behold. When he is on a talk show, nobody gets to talk but him !! He's a real jerk. He's worried more about Beck than the constituents he represents.

You talking about the Weiner in DC...i think i found a pic of him:



Well-Known Member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Naysayers attempting to portray this investigation as a leftist plot. The fact is that Goldline and Beck and any others are exploiting listeners’ investment capital. For what benefit are naysayers trying to spitshine the legitimacy Goldline and Glenn Beck have orchestrated. Politics aside, this is a business and sense issue. Unfortunately, some gold sellers use the fear engendered by this “conservative chattering class” to sell their products. Goldline fits this description to a TEA!
There is nothing wrong with people endorsing overpriced goods. However, doesn't your trust level for the personalities endorsing Goldline taken a significant hit ? (Probably Not) If they recommend overpriced goods, what are their opinions worth? (certainly not their wieght in gold) they buy their gold from Goldline at advertised prices, they are not acting in their best interest. My opinion of course.
And while it may be true that Glenn Beck’s sponsors are the subject of a boycott, I would never buy anyway due to their prices. It defies logic that someone would pay overly high prices out of conservative econmic fear mongering, political spitefulness, and to show some boycotter up...


Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

The report alleges that Goldline grossly overcharges for the gold coins that constitute the bulk of its business, uses misleading sales techniques and takes advantage of fears about President Barack Obama’s stewardship of the economy – which are stoked by its stable of paid conservative endorsers including Beck, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and Fred Thompson – “to cheat consumers.”

Read more:

Troll alert!!!


Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Weiner said he plans this week to introduce legislation to require Goldline and other precious metal retailers to fully disclose all their fees, how much the price of gold would need to rise in order for their customers’ investments to yield a profit, and the purchase price, melt value and resale value of the metal that constitutes their products. And he called on the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the Federal Trade Commission to investigate “the shady business practices conducted by Goldline International.”

This guy sounds like a real wiener. Bullion trades at such a narrow range $20-$30 over spot (gold) Many companies show their bid/ask prices. For something like a $20 Saint in MS65 the dealer bid/ask today is $1910/$2070. So if I bought one for a customer for $2070 and sold it to them for say $2270. With gold spot at $1212 today and a $1910 bid, tomorrow spot could be $1200 with a $1950 bid, and the next day spot could be $1225 with a $1880 bid. The only thing for certain is the customer will profit if the spot price goes over $2300. Besides coin dealers arn't regulated. The SEC doesn't have any jurisdiction.

the government is going to save us from our own stupidity.


Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Naysayers attempting to portray this investigation as a leftist plot.

you took a company marketing their product , looked at the political beliefs of their sponsers and turned it into a conservative plot to rip off the consumer. Yet you're indigant because we recognize your politically motivated efforts?


Well-Known Member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Naysayers attempting to portray this investigation as a leftist plot. The fact is that Goldline and Beck and any others are exploiting listeners’ investment capital. For what benefit are naysayers trying to spitshine the legitimacy Goldline and Glenn Beck have orchestrated. Politics aside, this is a business and sense issue. Unfortunately, some gold sellers use the fear engendered by this “conservative chattering class” to sell their products. Goldline fits this description to a TEA!
There is nothing wrong with people endorsing overpriced goods. However, doesn't your trust level for the personalities endorsing Goldline taken a significant hit ? (Probably Not) If they recommend overpriced goods, what are their opinions worth? (certainly not their wieght in gold) they buy their gold from Goldline at advertised prices, they are not acting in their best interest. My opinion of course.
And while it may be true that Glenn Beck’s sponsors are the subject of a boycott, I would never buy anyway due to their prices. It defies logic that someone would pay overly high prices out of conservative econmic fear mongering, political spitefulness, and to show some boycotter up...

I don't see their bullion over priced

1 oz American eagle Goldline $1273
Blanchard $1298
Monex $1273

What is exactly is overpriced?


Strength through joy
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

oops, looks like the euro is going down.

Iran to sell 45 bln euros, buy dollars, gold -Xinhua

June 2 (Reuters) - The Iranian central bank has announced that it will sell 45 billion euros from its foreign exchange reserves to buy dollars and gold, China's official Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday, citing unspecified Iranian media reports.
Xinhua said that the sales would be conducted in three stages and that the first had already begun, citing unnamed sources.
It also said that other Gulf states had also started cutting their euro holdings.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Naysayers attempting to portray this investigation as a leftist plot. The fact is that Goldline and Beck and any others are exploiting listeners’ investment capital. For what benefit are naysayers trying to spitshine the legitimacy Goldline and Glenn Beck have orchestrated. Politics aside, this is a business and sense issue. Unfortunately, some gold sellers use the fear engendered by this “conservative chattering class” to sell their products. Goldline fits this description to a TEA!..

Hey Deez... you won the award:



Well-Known Member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

What I find completely ironic about this thread is we have someone who despises capitalism and free markets telling people who believe in such things where to put their money. Silly Marxist, you know about as much about this topic as you do taxes which is about ==><== that much.


Für Meno :)
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

What I find completely ironic about this thread is we have someone who despises capitalism and free markets telling people who believe in such things where to put their money. Silly Marxist, you know about as much about this topic as you do taxes which is about ==><== that much.

Hey now, it's just commen sense, not to invest in anything that is at it's peak and highest price ever !
A close family friend that won a few million in the lottery for example, told me he wanted to invest in oil, (when it was over $100 a barrell), I told him not to.
He did it anyways. Last thing I heard from him, he's not doing that well. Idiot must have invested in his oil, thinking it would go over $200 soon.

The realestate funds, ofcourse went the same way. You never buy at it's peak. It's always a bubble ready to burst !
Same like the nasdaq and internet companies in 1999.

Those that are promoting a stock, usually are out to gain from it. Get others to buy into it,which raises the price, then sell it and profit from your bucks.
Trust me, you'll see gold well below the $1000 mark, again.


Well-Known Member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

Hey now, it's just commen sense, not to invest in anything that is at it's peak and highest price ever !
A close family friend that won a few million in the lottery for example, told me he wanted to invest in oil, (when it was over $100 a barrell), I told him not to.
He did it anyways. Last thing I heard from him, he's not doing that well. Idiot must have invested in his oil, thinking it would go over $200 soon.

The realestate funds, ofcourse went the same way. You never buy at it's peak. It's always a bubble ready to burst !
Same like the nasdaq and internet companies in 1999.

Those that are promoting a stock, usually are out to gain from it. Get others to buy into it,which raises the price, then sell it and profit from your bucks.
Trust me, you'll see gold well below the $1000 mark, again.

I'm not speaking agains the idea of buy low sell high, I'm find it fascinating that diesel doesn't understand that when you increase the money supply by the trillions through government debt you won't get high inflation which is what is fueling the current gold buying spree. Gold has a good chance of crashing in the near future, but the value of the dollar is only getting a prop from the crashing euro. If the U.S. doesn't get its debt under control Gold may be the safest bet against some really bad inflation.

BTW, don't feel bad about your friend and losing his lottery winnings. Most people who win the lottery in this country file for bankruptcy within 5 years.


Für Meno :)
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

I'm not speaking agains the idea of buy low sell high, I'm find it fascinating that diesel doesn't understand that when you increase the money supply by the trillions through government debt you won't get high inflation which is what is fueling the current gold buying spree. Gold has a good chance of crashing in the near future, but the value of the dollar is only getting a prop from the crashing euro. If the U.S. doesn't get its debt under control Gold may be the safest bet against some really bad inflation.

BTW, don't feel bad about your friend and losing his lottery winnings. Most people who win the lottery in this country file for bankruptcy within 5 years.

Yes, it's a situation I have never seen before.
The US is printing money, Europeans basically doing the same thing, and it keeps both currencies in check with eachother. (well , Euro down some).
If the crises in Greece wouldn't have started.. and the Euro gained on strength... you would have experienced inflation already.

And somehow, both the resource rich countries Austrailia and Canada, both noticed a decline in their currency as well. Even though those 2 countries have hiked interest rates, and their economies are growing at over 6%.

Basically, what is happening, countries and investors are dumping Euros for US dollars. Making the US currency stronger.

Gold, as many may think, is not a safe currency. It's treated like Oil and diamonds.
By "producing" more or less gold, that's what keeps in under control (for example : De Bears, only puts out enough diamonds to keep the price high, Opec reduces or expands oil production to keep prices at a compfy level).

South Africa (worlds largest resource of gold), has no longer the largest output of it.
What, I'm saying is, Gold is just as fake as paper money.
Besides, the amount of Gold we have on earth is abundant, and unlike Oil... Gold doesn't get burnt up. The amount of Gold on this planet will always be the same, (and plenty of it).

Why Gold has risen so high, is fear.
But, in reality, unrenewable commodities should have risen.

Can't believe I just witnessed a Goldline commercial as we speak. Odd, that when Gold was under $500 an ounze, they are promoting it, now.
That alone... is fishy..
Same like those Cash for Gold commercials.

But , back to your inflation question. As long as imported prices don't rise, and internal wages don't rise, and interest rates stay low, there is no inflation.
Somehow, they kept commodities low, besides Gold. Which , I don't get! Is not like the world is using less oil, the opposite is true.. with China and India, etc, driving cars now.

The whole money world involves around the stock market. It dictates how much a barrel of oil or an ounce of gold is worth, even how much our currencies are worth.
Really, I don't have an answer.
But you are right, printing more money will devaluate the currency. Gee, I even have a few old million and billion German Reichs Mark notes at home.


Well-Known Member
Re: Gold buyers beware ! Business depends on a very Conservative brand of talk radio.

What I find completely ironic about this thread is we have someone who despises capitalism and free markets telling people who believe in such things where to put their money. Silly Marxist, you know about as much about this topic as you do taxes which is about ==><== that much.

As Americans, we all love Capitalism, but is it more important than a Representative Democracy ........little details you ignore in your online Sally Struthers economic 101 course. Most "captains of industry" still try to pretend that capitalism and democracy are synonymous, while in reality there are few things more anti-democratic than their savage vision of capitalism they want to shovel down peoples throats.

In the immortal words of Rodney Dangerfield, Brett really tells it like it AIN'T. Unbridled corporatism ruins far more lives than it enhances. And still there remains "the clueless" who, like all Republicans and Right-Leaning Libertarians, pseudo-intellectually tries to defend FAILURE . . . and in doing so, fails miserably. It's a comedy act where the joke's on US.

I'm not speaking agains the idea of buy low sell high, I'm find it fascinating that diesel doesn't understand that when you increase the money supply by the trillions through government debt you won't get high inflation which is what is fueling the current gold buying spree. Gold has a good chance of crashing in the near future, but the value of the dollar is only getting a prop from the crashing euro. If the U.S. doesn't get its debt under control Gold may be the safest bet against some really bad inflation.

BTW, don't feel bad about your friend and losing his lottery winnings. Most people who win the lottery in this country file for bankruptcy within 5 years.

Brett has this epiphany that gold is this bullet proof investment, but in fact gold is just another commodity.
It goes up , it goes down, you can lose your shirt trading gold just like anything else. Before over thinking another post envoking my name and intelligence for this thread, stay focused, the premise is business practises, Conservative embellishments, and are you really getting a product worth it's weight in Gold....

When you're advertising you're going to invest in gold and you wind up getting sometimes 200 percent more than the melt value of gold, that's just a bad deal. The only way for you to keep up is for the cost of gold to go up 200 percent before you put down the phone, or press confirm....
I never intended this to be a battle of wits, but as always, Brett comes only half-prepared, and one sided to every battle.......

Using hypothetical apocalyptic scenario of the collaspse of our currency, embelishing fear of this Administration as Beck has demonstrated using the Goldline name, encourages consumers to aggressively puchase the sale of coins (collector) over bullion (pure gold) because the company has the largest profit margin on them and the sales representatives make the largest commission......That's the premise of this one's arguing not to buy gold, but let's get's not bullet-proof...