So we just blame the black guy for reckless spending because he is president when the spending is the most in history, but you being a racist thinks that its ok to blame the white president??? You also claim that Obamas spending was to get us out of the mess he inherited. Sooooo I guess you cant blame Reagan because of the mess Carter left him and cant blame Bush because of the mess Bill Clinton left him right...Im just saying, thats just using your words. And if the Bush tax cuts, correction, after the first 2 years of Obamas term they became the Obama tax cuts, were soooooo bad, why didnt Obama get rid of them???
Reagan BLAMED carter for 8 years for his economy and deficit spending. IN his 1984 state of the union he said ""The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."~Ronald Reagan
In fact, lets take a look at what he said ( AGAIN ) in 1982 ( 2 years after he took office )....
In Reagan's 1982 State of the Union, he went after his predecessor for blame plenty of times:
"To understand the State of the Union, we must look not only at where we are and where we're going but where we've been. The situation at this time last year was truly ominous."
"In the last six months of 1980, as an example, the money supply increased at the fastest rate in postwar history 13 percent. Inflation remained in double digits and Government spending increased at an annual rate of 17 percent. Interest rates reached a s taggering 21 1/2 percent. There were eight million unemployed."
"First, we must understand what's happening at the moment to the economy. Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that's only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend"
"Now the budget deficit this year will exceed our earlier expectations. The recession did that. It lowered revenues and increased costs."
NOW C'MON CAHARELL, even you can admit its the same logic, right?