I know this can be a very emotionally charged subject from so many different directions and each has valid points. The clear choice would only seem clear from a cetain POV and I understand that.
A couple of posters pointed out the expertise of scienctific study/testing/etc. and it's hard to argue that point. Ah but lest I try.
I just happen to run across
this written by an 87 year old who has a Ph.d. in biochemistry and holds more than 60 patents (US and Foreign) and most concern medical diagnostic tests. One might well say, this gentleman could easily qualify as being "expert" in the scientific field and who can doubt his medical expertise since his many patents aplly to that field. Now, that said consider his observation concerning lab testing as it might apply to drugs or even formats of medical treatment.
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]It’s difficult to make a determination of the effect of a nutrient on one of the little rodents kept prisoner in a laboratory. First you must obtain a series of identical subjects by inbreeding or cloning. Then you must compare two individuals (or, better, two groups of individuals) who differ only in whether or not they have received the nutrient in question. You must know where to look for differences and how to measure them (blood tests, growth rates, etc.). And you can be confident of your final result only with respect to these particular subjects and their particular living conditions, which, in the case of the little prisoners, usually include an unstimulating environment and a lack of exercise.
The problem is even more difficult for investigators who want to make such a determination on people. People have relatively long life spans, on the order of magnitude of the investigators’. Groups of identical subjects are hard to come by and their living conditions are not readily subject to control. And because different groups of free-living people (occupants of different countries, followers of different diets, members of different ethnic groups) differ in so many characteristics, one must be very cautious in imputing an observed difference in an outcome to an observed difference in behavior. Thus, it comes as no surprise that different investigators have come to different conclusions about the effect on people of eating saturated fat, the nutrient which is the subject of this essay.[/FONT]
Now his comments pertain to the link between heart disease and saturated fats but what about in our discussion as it pertains to cancer and the standard prescibed accepted treatment from so many so-called experts? I've heard for example some talk that the mother and son headed to Mexico for alternative treatment. I don't know if true or not but if true, it does shoot holes in the idea that the mother is withholding treatment from her son. But you say those alternative ideas like treating cancer with vitamins is stupid. Really? Better tell the
National Cancer Institute as they right now are studying just such a link.
Back in the 80's, some really nutty doctors and wacky alternative medicine types pointed out the
chrystalline structure of cancer and it being a virus. Now my father has advance degrees in animal husbandry and if you ever want to know about viruses, don't ask your family MD, ask you family vet. I remember when this stuff was floating around and I didn't make heads nor tails of it but I remember my Dad uttering a really big "AH HA!" when he heard it. When it finally came out about the link between cervical cancer and a virus, I remembered those wack, nut doctors from the 80's and also seeing my dad smile and saying, "now that makes sense!"
Now as we speak, more and more traditonal medicine is looking at this
viral link that 20 to 30 years ago was considered as nutty as the idea that George Bush and Dick Cheney flew the jets into the WTC personally on 9/11. Would any of you be upset if the mother had taken the boy to England for treatment at say the
DoveClinic which is an accepted medical treatment facility that uses various vitamin
regimens to treat cancer? No problem you say? They don't use chemo or radiation and yet in the socialist medicine world of England they operate quite nicely.

So much for the myth of free market medicine in America.
Why Vitamin C? Ah, the virus connection again. Understand the
common cold and you may solve the riddle of cancer. Each cell's health may be the secret and
vitamin C may be that health.
As you can see, collagen is everywhere in the body, and vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen. So, how is vitamin C involved in collagen synthesis?
When collagen is produced, there is a complex series of events, some occurring inside of the cell, and some outside of the cell. Vitamin C is active inside of the cell, where it hydroxylates (adds hydrogen and oxygen) to two amino acids: proline and lysine. This helps form a precursor molecule called procollagen that is later packaged and modified into collagen outside of the cell. Without vitamin C, collagen formation is disrupted, causing a wide variety of problems throughout the body.
Vitamin C as it turns out strenghtens the outter cell casing making it hard for a virus receptor to penetrate and infect the cell. As much as I dislike the over the top political fascism of Mike Savage, he is an expert when it comes to homopathy and alternative treatments and if I know he's talking this, I'm tuned in and well worth the listen. Everything else is just BLAH!
So for the experts advocating chemo/radiation, you can also point out experts advocating otherwise and for other alternative means so who decides?
The gov't! But here's the question everyone has to ask themselves abut the gov't blessed means of medical care. Was the ultimate decision made based off of imperical scientific proof of blind, impartial testing or was the decision made based upon the influence of lobbyist and corp. positioning to achieve a market position to benefit some companies bottomline? Has the gov't greenlighted a medical product or procedure before only to learn later it was bad, faulty, etc.? Has gov't mandated vaccines always proven 100% effective and 0% side effects? Ask your doctor to sign a guarantee before taking a vaccine and once how he runs for the exits unless you a really good doctor who will tell you the truth and vaccines. Start probing about vaccines and the link to autism as Jeannie McCarthy has and watch at the response and treatment you'll get. Ask your family doctor why he prescribes Viagra over one of the other 2 (sorry forgot the names) or Lipitor over one of the other cholesteral lowering drugs. For the answer, listen to the B side of Pink Floyd's Darkside of the Moon and the first song. The title speaks volumes!
Chasing this mother and her son may have much more to do with market protectionism than the health and wellbeing of that young man! Contrary to American mythology, we've have socialized (corporatism) medicine for years in this country and the brew ha isn't over having or not having socialized medicine but rather what corporate factions and business model will control it!
Then again, just take the blue pill and I won't exist, you'll have no memory of this and all will be well!

Send me the taxbill moreluck!