Pineapple King
If she didn't say anything I bet Mrs. Ovah would!She's out there every day, she's there now. Do you think she'd notice if I cut some bushes down? They really obstruct my view...
If she didn't say anything I bet Mrs. Ovah would!She's out there every day, she's there now. Do you think she'd notice if I cut some bushes down? They really obstruct my view...
So your the creepy new neighbor I caught spying at my wife in our pool?She's out there every day, she's there now. Do you think she'd notice if I cut some bushes down? They really obstruct my view...
Well if she'd keep her damn top on I wouldn't be so tempted to look!!!So your the creepy new neighbor I caught spying at my wife in our pool?
Just cut a large viewing aperture into the bushes. Should questions come up, say that you are taking Topiary classes online.
Is that how you up-towners say "looking at porn"????
I have a fat chick in a wading pool in the house behind me. Does that count ?
Had an issue this spring with the burners on my old grill bought at Lowes a few years back. When I went looking for replacement burners I learned the grill (made in China) had been recalled a few years back for this reason. Checked online to get my free burners and found out the grill lids are made of magnesium and have occasionally ignited and burned a house or two down when they did. At that point I decided to get a different grill with the credit the store manager reluctantly gave me. Did some research as its hard for me to justify spending a grand on the Weber I liked. Found this Huntington grill made in Canada for $300 that was top rated and sold by Lowes with most of the features of a Weber that I desired.
WOW! Once Magnesium gets going there isn't much at home you can put it out with.
I have to plead the 5th on being stupid with my hot rod buddies and sweeping up all the aluminum and magnesium shavings at the machine shop and somehow not blow anything up lighting the stuff on fire. Want to see something cool? Fill a beer bottle with mag shavings and light it. It will melt the bottle.
And, 1K for a good grill isn't outrageous if it lasts forever.
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I wish I had known Over9 was looking for a new grill, I could have got a more appropriate one for him.
Had an issue this spring with the burners on my old grill bought at Lowes a few years back. When I went looking for replacement burners I learned the grill (made in China) had been recalled a few years back for this reason. Checked online to get my free burners and found out the grill lids are made of magnesium and have occasionally ignited and burned a house or two down when they did. At that point I decided to get a different grill with the credit the store manager reluctantly gave me. Did some research as its hard for me to justify spending a grand on the Weber I liked. Found this Huntington grill made in Canada for $300 that was top rated and sold by Lowes with most of the features of a Weber that I desired.