You know, I almost volunteered as a driver last xmas for toys for tots. Simply driving door to door to make less fortunate families and their children happy during the xmas season.
But, after being critizisized on here - I had second thoughts.
It's always the same - no good deed goes unpunished !
You know, I almost volunteered as a driver last xmas for toys for tots. Simply driving door to door to make less fortunate families and their children happy during the xmas season.
But, after being criticized on here - I had second thoughts.
It's always the same - no good deed goes unpunished !
You know, I almost volunteered as a driver last xmas for toys for tots. Simply driving door to door to make less fortunate families and their children happy during the xmas season.
But, after being critizisized on here - I had second thoughts.
It's always the same - no good deed goes unpunished !
Why should the opinion of anyone, whether in reality or cyberspace, change your decision to help those less fortunate? Good deeds are done with purity of purpose and not for what you may or may not get in return.