
Bad Moon Risen'
Im just talking about federal power vs state power. These progressives don’t understand we have states we are the United States of America. A lot of the things the federal government does now are out of bounds of its power and should be addressed at their state level. Instead they don’t even know about their state legislators and are making it harder on the rest of us not to be hyper focused on Washington DC. It’s why the country is so divided we are fighting on a national level and not being able to govern ourselves. It’s tyranny, I shouldn’t be deciding if Californians can smoke weed
Your next door neighbor shouldn't be deciding whether you smoke weed or not. Should be left up to the individual to decide what he/she wants to ingest.


Well-Known Member
Power is power the details are just paperwork.
I'd say it's a lot more than blackmail power.
It's literal power institutionalized and backed by physical force.
Just ask George Wallace how his "states' rights" worked out in the face of judges' rulings that are backed by a military funded by his own tax dollars.... taken from him by means of the 16th amendment.
I do agree with you there. Literal power isn’t always actual constitutional right but I can’t argue it happens whether for good or bad. It’s part of the reason the power bubble is backwards


Inordinately Right
I pay my taxes, so I can have an opinion on where my money is going and the right to speak out where I see it wasted. I'm certainly not alone. My comment was about able bodied people who don't work and collect a check for nothing. Trump has taken some measures but a lot of handouts still being given to people who don't need them.
mkay lol. Maybe write a strongly worded letter that'll show em!

Trump has taken no measures. People collecting a "check for nothing" benefits corporations just as much as individuals. Sadly it's kind of fundamental in propping up our entire economy at this point. Don't expect any political action on that front unless you want to be disappointed.

El Correcto

god is dead
Your next door neighbor shouldn't be deciding whether you smoke weed or not. Should be left up to the individual to decide what he/she wants to ingest.
Okay so why should we give the federal government in Washington DC the say of it under the commerce clause? We shouldn’t it’s tyranny. I completely agree.


Inordinately Right
Yeah don’t think about, don’t get second opinions. Don’t break down redstates or view previous voting history. Agree damn it agree.
overthink it if you want lulz

maybe you're suggesting the republican party is having an identity crisis? seems like a great idea for a new thread, we can talk about what a hot mess they are and discuss their endless internal squabbles.

El Correcto

god is dead
says he died
i'm talking about the current republican party
ttku, you seem to get distracted easily

Trying give drive a different opinion.


Nine Lives
There is an answer. It’s just not one that is followed. Articles 1-3 defines what the federal government is allowed to do. Anything else is set for the states to do.
The good old days when women, blacks and non-property owners couldn't vote.
Sadly those daze are gone.
The USA has changed ... for the better and the worse.


Nine Lives
Federal government always looking for ways to defund Planned Parenthood. Maybe that decision should be left up to the states whether our Federal taxes come back to support that worthy organization.
Now that is about the most :censored2:ed up piece of logic I've ever seen.
If you allow National taxes to be collected then the National government should decide.
How about let the states tax and the state decide.