Obamas SC nominees would make sure that only criminals would have guns.
That's part of the problem they don't see. They want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals by enforcing "gun laws". Umm, wait a minute, criminals don't obey the "law". All that's really gonna do is make law abiding citizens defenseless. "NO GUN ZONES" are the perfect hunting grounds. Just ask a real hunter, if deer could shoot back, do you think they'd be hunting deer?
Even if every gun in the country was destroyed "for the children", including law enforcement firearms, do you honestly believe that would stop criminals from doing what they do? A criminal with a *insert tool of choice here* is just as dangerous as a criminal with a gun.
The stuff the media makes up about guns is sickening to anyone who knows better. Children seeking bullets, .50 cal airline snipers, every rifle is an "assault rifle", every pistol is an automatic pistol(or machine pistol, gotta love that one), the gun always just "goes off", even AIR-SOFT guns can be "arsenals". There are people out there scared of guns and never even seen a real one.
I'm sorry but I'd rather even the playing field, people should be learning how to defend themselves instead of thinking the cops are always gonna save the day. If someone is breaking into your house, mugging you, robbing your store, stealing your car(with you in it)and you want to dial 911, it's already too late if they decide to take your life. It's the curl up and cry mentality that's spawned this criminal infestation most of us live with everyday.
PS: Irresponsible gun owners piss me off because they make responsible gun owners look bad. If a kid gets their hands on a gun and shoots them self or someone else accidentally, IT'S NOT THE GUNS FAULT! Kids die all the time because of lack of responsibility of the parent and not just from an unsecured firearm. BAN SWIMMING POOLS! see how dumb that sounds.