OOOHHHH the scary OBAMA is going to take your guns!!!
Better vote for McCain and your guns will rest safely in your closets!
Get serious folks. Do you all live in fear everyday of your lives? Has the republican fear machine really and truly caused you all to live in fear because they tell you so?
Do you really believe that somehow, somewhere at sometime that Barack Obama will take out his mighty liberal pen and take away your rights to own guns??
Does the president have that kind of power? Can he really supercede the Supreme court of the United States of America?
Use logic people.
Unless OBAMA can convince the 5 conservatives on the supreme court to overturn the 2nd amendment, then I think your guns are safe.
Be serious people, this hype is nonsense.
On the other hand, should there be taxes on ammo?, I think so. Just like taxes on beer, gasoline & cigarettes, ammo should be on the list.
Alcohol Tobbaco and Firearms whos bringing the chips?
Should kids under 18 be prevented from owning guns?, I think so. Too many killing there classmates as it stands.
This country has many different opinions on this subject depending on what part of the country you live in.
The bottom line remains the same, your guns are safe.