Hey I thought you did pretty good. Better than an old college try. Hat's off to you. OK let me see if this breaks it all down to what you are suggesting.
The cuts:
Social Security: $544 billion per year
Medicare: $325 billion per year
Medicaid: $186 billion per year
Farm: $56 bil per year
Education: $20 bil per year
Equal $1.13 trillion dollars. Yep in about 10 years you have it covered alright and that would also seem to include the $70 bil annual for Iraq. Nice job. Just a quick point of order for the record. Is it you intention or suggestion that 10 years from now Iraq will still cost $70 bil annually and that the war itself will be in the same status and mode as it is today? I know McCain mentioned being there for 100 years so I wasn't sure where you stood on all of that. Outside of that, nice job.
Looking from the above and the conversation I'm betting more than a few people here are bouncing of the walls at this point so let me plays devil's advocate and deal out the questions most often asked of me when I suggest the need to vastly cut gov't down to nothingness and you are far from that my friend. Here goes.
You can cut SS out of the budget and in 2007' Federal budget SS is $586.1 bil to be exact. Your numbers very close and in actual dollars saved the $586 works even better for your argument. Hey, I'm all about helping a brother out!
BTW: OMB is a part of the executive branch and the head a presidential appointment of every adminstration or in other words, their own guy. Not exactly non-partisan IMO. You might be thinking about the GAO or the CRS which are a bit politicized from time to time but overall a fair balance. But the OMB numbers are good for our discussion and I'll stipulate to them although I'm going to try and use actual 2007' federal budget numbers.
Now add the $5.5 trillion in projected SS liability and we're talking $6 tril if my math is right in saving. I say add in the $5.5 because if you kill the $586 bil in the budget annually, you can't meet those future demands anyway so go ahead and just do the obvious. OK, you now just saved not only the $586 bil annually over 10 years ($5.86 tril total) but you also wiped out $5.5 tril in debt obligations so in that one move alone you just completed your solution of killing $10 plus trillion. Nice work my man, nice work.
And now the other cuts become pure savings so let's add them up. I know folks I said devil's advocate so just bare with me. Besides I've got Paul Hardcastle's CD Jazzmaster's 4 on and I'm just a groovin as I type this. LOL! OK, the other cut's you mentioned will give a savings of let's see: $587 bil annually. But let's look closer and make sure we're not leaving money on the table.
Medicare and Medicaid but since you're cutting that deep go for the whole welfare pie and here are actual 2007' Budget numbers.
Medicare: $394 bil
medicaid: $376 bil
unemployment and general welfare: $367 bil
Education: $89 bil (Are leaving federal education in play with only cutting $20 bil or is OMB a bit cheap? LOL!)
Agriculture: $27 bil ($56 bil seems a bit high but hey it works in the wash!)
And last but not least we're eliminating the debt so let's include the interest payments which $243 bil and the grand total is: (somebody wanna get me a drum roll for effect) $1.39 trillion and over 10 years is $13 tril. Man we hit the lottery! Hey how much we take in in income taxes? Yeah, see where I'm going. Yeah! Yeah! let's look at that. OK, here goes. Using 2007' budget data, total income tax receipts annually equal $1.16 trillion. Oh man, above savings is $1.39 tril and the income tax brings in $1.16 tril so kill the tax and we still got $.20 tril folding money in the hole to play with. Damn AV, you're good, I mean real good!
OK, devil time. Sure we can do that and in the libertarian tradition, it fit's like a glove but here is where it takes an anarchist turn which is where none of you (even you AV) don't want this whole thing to go. (Man I'm groovin to Signs of Life, sorry music got me) Anyway, for better or worse we have a controlled economy and if you take the hardline, a large number of people say the retired on SS for example will have a large % if not all of their income stripped from them. What is the ripple effect to the economy at large? Take away medicare and what happens? The gov't a long time ago mandated that medicare by law became the pricipled medical coverage for everyone over the age of 65. The at present is no market mechanism to cover that radical a change that quick so how do you propose to cover the net effect of that?
Also a medical industry if you will has grown around medicare within the private sector as in doctor's offices have personal for example who specialize in claims coding just for medicare. When they are no longer needed, they will be cut and dumped onto the job market which has no unemployment anymore. Also for the time being until more employment is obtained they are out of the sonsumer market driving the economy and thus out of the tax base you've created to end national debt and fun Iraq of whatever military adventures you desire.
Now here's the tail whipper to all of this. You just ended medicare throwing a large aging population in search of insurance coverage. Industry coverage tables are based outside the need to cover beyond 65 because of medicare laws but now in the flash of an eye the industry scrambles to re-calculate the cost ro risk spread and everyone's cost goes up. Going up in a shrinking economy to boot. Yeah shrinking, because all that federal debt you are retiring is removing dollars from the economy so you have the spector of de-flation on top of every thing else.
Couple that with a pharma-keya (greek pronuciation for the Bible word witchcraft, a bit of fun on my part) industry who had built a specific sector of gereatric drug lines after lobbying Congress to have the US taxpayer pay for such giving them another revenue stream as cost to consumer is not a concern. And you think the libs are the only ones pushing Universal med. coverage. Hey EZ and D, wake up! Merck and the boys just love you for it! Kill mediacare/medicaid and you kill those revenue streams as they must now compete in a free market and not a gov't monopolized and controled to their likeing.
Forget the typical liberal whinning of helping out the disadvantage. Our gov't has so monopolized and manipulated everything from A to Z that just cutting our way out of this has adverse conseqences. Now I can handle the anarchist approach if we want to go that route but 5 minutes in everyone would be screaming. I also think if you can bite the piece of wood and work through the pain, it's the quickest but again, any takers? I also wonder how many conservative big talkers here would in the end go along with your cuts once the hardships started setting in? How many in time would stand behind your Iraq war then and feel the cost justified and worth it? Just for the moment let's do this and say Iraq grows and prospers to freedom and economic nirvana under your plan but in return the American people even in the short haul have to suffer, do you honestly believe over time they will stay the course and accept this as worthwhile? I suffer so you can be free and economically grow? Only less than 10% of the colonist originally stood and sacrificed against the British until the tides started turning and then more and more jumped on the bandwagon when they could see the payofff coming. You don't think our country today is more farsighted than the rugged individualists of 200 plus years ago do you?
Don't get me wrong AV, I applaud the effort and the thinking and we need more of that even though your purpose to pay for Iraq is not what I would do with the money. The overall conversation IMO is what is good and the putting of all ideas on the table and discussing is what the Presidential election should be about but sadly certain forces only want to limit what is said and therefore voices are silenced where they can and it happens on both sides IMO. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I've likely got a few years on you. Since you said you fought in Iraq and I take that to mean the latest operations, I however lived with the spector of Vietnam and in hindsight learned a whole lot about our gov't and how they operate. I heard all about the domino theory and the intenational communist menace which in the final analyst was really empire verses empire while in the middle were business interests making huge sums of money off both sides. And as the song sez, "the beat goes on!"
When it comes to Iraq, I've seen this movie before and the plotline is the same ole story. Get beyond the thinking that in order for you to be righteous, you have to make the gov't policy that took you there righteous also. Forget that because you are righteous and heroic no matter what the foreign policy was. The soldier at Bunker Hill, the Vietnam Vet and the Iraqi Vet in my eyes are all of equal stance. Gov't is a business and it's about making money and obtaining power. In that, certain business interest take advantage of good hearted people with noble ideals in the search of filthy lucer. We call them lobbyist, snakeoil salesman, republican, democrats, liberal or conservative but at the end of the day they only seek one thing and that is to benefit themselves regardless whether you benefit of not. A great man once wrote that All men are created equal and although he fell short in some areas towards this ideal, it was a great ideal none the less. If we are all equal then we are all of status to govern and that means to govern ourselves first and not have some entity placed above us to call the shots according to a select few elites called policy experts who in truth are on the payroll of the business interests to begin with.
Now I'm headbanging to Dream Theater's Score and 6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence!