Happy Independence Day to All You Other Free White Men


Inordinately Right
I don't care about Mt. Rushmore either way. And neither do most Americans, what people care about is power. As in they don't want those people to have the power to remove a statue because that means people like them no longer have absolute power.
Plenty of statues have come down with the legislative and electoral process.

Most people are against the lawlessness that you support.


I was in Air Force basic training with a white guy who was 5'9", 160 lbs, and hung like a horse. The first day in the showers all the black guys were staring at him. He grinned and said "well this certainly dispels a few myths!" But yeah, generally black men are bigger.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I am celebrating my White manhood tonight by sitting on my back patio enjoying my bonfire!



Well-Known Member
I agree. Ive said before that some people just like to say exciting things to illicit reactions out of people. I just dont give enough of a smile* to be bothered. I do find it entertaining though

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I agree. Ive said before that some people just like to say exciting things to illicit reactions out of people. I just dont give enough of a smile* to be bothered. I do find it entertaining though
I hope you find me entertaining then.
A successful post for me is when I rile up both DemWits and RePugs!


Well-Known Member
I hope you find me entertaining then.
A successful post for me is when I rile up both DemWits and RePugs!

Of course! Both parties are largely worthless with the exception of maybe a handful. The liberals never progress anything and the conservatives rarely conserve anything. Just a word on a paper somewhere in DC whoopty doo


Well-Known Member
happy white privliledge day. Now that the blacks say they wont celebrate the day should we call it white independence day and pretend we did not have a lot of black americans die for this country?
Maybe they should work on the 4th like whites have to on MLK Birthday.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of statues have come down with the legislative and electoral process.

Most people are against the lawlessness that you support.
Some states took action and passed legislation to prevent cities from removing statues. There are plenty of people who didn't want to support the legislative process in those cities that decided to remove those statues.
The last sentence is pure fiction about what I do or don't support.