Happy Memorial Day, Our Chump in Chief's Least Favorite Holiday

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Or Goering, being interviewed during the Nuremberg trials:
Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.

Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.


Well-Known Member
What war did Bush start? That's still all you hacks have? Nothing zero zilch from the propped up community organizer Marxist that hasn't delivered one iota of his or his handlers campaign rhetoric!

The war on terror was brought to Bush you ostrich hacks. Thank God we didn't have an islamo fascist apologizer in chief at the time, or we'd still be looking for Bin ass-wipe, suckers.


All Trash No Trailer
What war did Bush start? That's still all you hacks have? Nothing zero zilch from the propped up community organizer Marxist that hasn't delivered one iota of his or his handlers campaign rhetoric!

The war on terror was brought to Bush you ostrich hacks. Thank God we didn't have an islamo fascist apologizer in chief at the time, or we'd still be looking for Bin ass-wipe, suckers.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Osama Bin laden was killed on the orders of President Obama.The irony of your post just kills me .
Ok just for fun: How in the hell does the illegal unjust invasion of Iraq tie into the War on Terror? in 1946 German Generals were hanged as war criminals for doing the same thing:invading innocent countries unprovoked!


All Trash No Trailer
What war did Bush start? That's still all you hacks have? Nothing zero zilch from the propped up community organizer Marxist that hasn't delivered one iota of his or his handlers campaign rhetoric!

The war on terror was brought to Bush you ostrich hacks. Thank God we didn't have an islamo fascist apologizer in chief at the time, or we'd still be looking for Bin ass-wipe, suckers.


Well-Known Member
What war did Bush start? That's still all you hacks have? Nothing zero zilch from the propped up community organizer Marxist that hasn't delivered one iota of his or his handlers campaign rhetoric!

The war on terror was brought to Bush you ostrich hacks. Thank God we didn't have an islamo fascist apologizer in chief at the time, or we'd still be looking for Bin ass-wipe, suckers.

He was too busy acting on the info gathered from interrogation tactics he's apposed to, and thanks to the previous administration worked! So typical....all the bad this fool can't fix is BUSH's fault, but all the glory he'll gladly claim for himself. Typical partisan hypocrite. No change here either.


Well-Known Member
Again, he acted on the intel that was there and went after west hating terror supporters and or harborers. And as usual half assed. Otherwise Afghanistan would be a pile of glass the size of Everest.

And why won't the current hypocrite deliver on any of his campaign rhetoric and pull out? When will he shut down GITMO? Bring all our boys home and keep them employed by securing out borders rather the continuing to be the world police?

I'm not defending W and Cheney. They acted on the intel they had along with the go ahead vote from both democrats and republicans In congress. Why does BO & Company keep us there if its all a damn lie? Why do you accept and defend his failure to deliver on a fraction of his campaign trail lies and rhetoric? You must be a warmonger like the ones you complain about obviously.


All Trash No Trailer
He was too busy acting on the info gathered from interrogation tactics he's apposed to, and thanks to the previous administration worked! So typical....all the bad this fool can't fix is BUSH's fault, but all the glory he'll gladly claim for himself. Typical partisan hypocrite. No change here either.
do you speak english? your posts are very difficult to decipher

ok let me explain to you: 9/11 occured when BUSH was president. Bush invaded Iraq as a result. ..............something about those pesky WMD's that have never been found,we are still trying to figure that one out..
ok ,and i know this may be tricky for you.................Bush never found Osama Bin Laden...............flash forward a few years later.............President Obama's intelligence team located OBL(something the BUSH adminstration could NOT do!) ,and as a result ordered a SEAL team to take OBL down so yeah i;m guessing the Obama administration SHOULD take credit for it!

now please,if you respond to this post lets do it in English with proper sentence structure,mk?


All Trash No Trailer
Again, he acted on the intel that was there and went after west hating terror supporters and or harborers. And as usual half assed. Otherwise Afghanistan would be a pile of glass the size of Everest.

And why won't the current hypocrite deliver on any of his campaign rhetoric and pull out? When will he shut down GITMO? Bring all our boys home and keep them employed by securing out borders rather the continuing to be the world police?

I'm not defending W and Cheney. They acted on the intel they had along with the go ahead vote from both democrats and republicans In congress. Why does BO & Company keep us there if its all a damn lie? Why do you accept and defend his failure to deliver on a fraction of his campaign trail lies and rhetoric? You must be a warmonger like the ones you complain about obviously.
President Obama got us out of Iraq<shrug>


golden ticket member
do you speak english? your posts are very difficult to decipher

ok let me explain to you: 9/11 occured when BUSH was president. Bush invaded Iraq as a result. ..............something about those pesky WMD's that have never been found,we are still trying to figure that one out..
ok ,and i know this may be tricky for you.................Bush never found Osama Bin Laden...............flash forward a few years later.............President Obama's intelligence team located OBL(something the BUSH adminstration could NOT do!) ,and as a result ordered a SEAL team to take OBL down so yeah i;m guessing the Obama administration SHOULD take credit for it!

now please,if you respond to this post lets do it in English with proper sentence structure,mk?

You left out the part where Clinton had Bin Laden in the sites !!


All Trash No Trailer
You left out the part where Clinton had Bin Laden in the sites !!
And you left out the part regarding the Republican Congress during Clinton's administration who would not authorize a strike against OBL after the USS Cole attack because the Republican Congress was felt there wasnt world support for a US troops in prolonged Ground War in Asia. Clinton WANTED to launch airstrikes as well as commit ground troops.


Well-Known Member
You left out the part where Clinton had Bin Laden in the sites !!
And you left out the part regarding the Republican Congress during Clinton's administration who would not authorize a strike against OBL after the USS Cole attack because the Republican Congress was felt there wasnt world support for a US troops in prolonged Ground War in Asia. Clinton WANTED to launch airstrikes as well as commit ground troops.

Ah oh well, can't win em all huh?all those damn republicans could do was balance the budget. DOH! LOL


Well-Known Member
He was too busy acting on the info gathered from interrogation tactics he's apposed to, and thanks to the previous administration worked! So typical....all the bad this fool can't fix is BUSH's fault, but all the glory he'll gladly claim for himself. Typical partisan hypocrite. No change here either.
do you speak english? your posts are very difficult to decipher

ok let me explain to you: 9/11 occured when BUSH was president. Bush invaded Iraq as a result. ..............something about those pesky WMD's that have never been found,we are still trying to figure that one out..
ok ,and i know this may be tricky for you.................Bush never found Osama Bin Laden...............flash forward a few years later.............President Obama's intelligence team located OBL(something the BUSH adminstration could NOT do!) ,and as a result ordered a SEAL team to take OBL down so yeah i;m guessing the Obama administration SHOULD take credit for it!

now please,if you respond to this post lets do it in English with proper sentence structure,mk?

Dip **** eff you @ss hole. No **** kudos to this terror apologist for taking Bin Ladin out. Never the less, the intel to know his whereabouts that eventually tracked his ass down came from the previous adm. From interrogation gathered from GITMO. this fool can hardly pat himself on the back neither should you ostrich. But of course you do anyway. Don't let reality get in your way dude.


Well-Known Member
More looney leftist logic. This POS Muslim terrorist is probably enjoying his Memorial Day Weekend knowing how disgusted his victims families must be today - wow, just wow.


Well-Known Member
That fort hood debacle is indefensible! You BO apologist are pathetic.....this is just the tip of the iceberg of what we all get thanks to your undivided support of this clown. Holy sh**


Staff member
Locking this thread, it's nothing but personal attacks. Why don't you guys go have a burger and enjoy your memorial day like the rest of the US?
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