Harriet Tubman To Replace Andrew Jackson on $20 bill


Inordinately Right
Ben Carson: Andrew Jackson was ‘a tremendous president’; ‘Maybe a $2 bill’ for Tubman

“I think Andrew Jackson was a tremendous secretary — I mean a tremendous president,” Mr. Carson said. “I mean, Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget, where we had no national debt.

“In honor of that, we kick him off of the money,” he added.

Carson needs a history lesson. Ya, the guy "balanced the budget", then we had a financial crisis and a recession that lasted a decade. Why are people even still talking about Carson? Thought we were done having to listen to his whisper mumbles.


Well-Known Member
More details of proposed changes:

Back of $10 bill:

Susan B. Anthony
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Alice Paul
Sojourner Truth

Back of $5 bill:

Marian Anderson
Eleanor Roosevelt
Martin Luther King Jr.

All in all, well played, and I agree.


Well-Known Member

Rosa Parks should be on the $100.

M. Obama shouldn't be on a $ bill.

Are we agreeing or disagreeing?

I can't tell, but H.Tubman or R. Parks have earned their place on our currency.

Literally no one is proposing putting Rosalynn Carter or Laura Bush or Michelle Obama on any form of currency.

What's the problem with H. Tubman?

She's an American hero.



Inordinately Right
Rosa Parks should be on the $100.

M. Obama shouldn't be on a $ bill.

Are we agreeing or disagreeing?

I can't tell, but H.Tubman or R. Parks have earned their place on our currency.

Literally no one is proposing putting Rosalynn Carter or Laura Bush or Michelle Obama on any form of currency.

What's the problem with H. Tubman?

She's an American hero.

Rosa Parks gets a pass in my book. The fiction we teach in schools about Rosa Parks doesn't do the story justice. I think Tubman was a great choice considering her roll in the union army.


golden ticket member
Two potential 'she's' listed in the post you're responding to.

Rosa Parks? Should be on the $100 bill.

M. Obama? Should be respected for the work that she's done.
I know who Rosa Parks is and what she did..........you could list Michelle's accomplishments on a Post-it. Remember school lunches? So do millions of students.


I am pretty sure that living people's faces can't be put on American currency. So no Michelle Obama.

I speculate the reason for this policy is so that the currency isn't used to "advertise" a politician.


The Nim
Personally I don't know why they have to mess with the person pictured on any money at this point, create a new denomination or whatever. Doesn't really matter though as physical money is being used less and less. It's also going to be over a decade before the 20 is changed unless it's fast-tracked as the 20 wasn't up for update until 2030.

I don't recall the last time I looked at the center of any bill front or back, I just look at the corners for denomination.
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