Harry Reid


golden ticket member
Senator Harry Reid gave a speech to Nevada state lawmakers last week and urged them to Outlaw prostitution. Better they keep hookers legal and outlaw the politicians. At least the hookers are up front about what they plan to do to you after you give them your money.

Senator Harry Reid gave a speech to Nevada state lawmakers last week and urged them to Outlaw prostitution. Better they keep hookers legal and outlaw the politicians. At least the hookers are up front about what they plan to do to you after you give them your money.

And the girls have had their shots too.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Just an observation.....did you ever notice that Harry Reid's 'whisper voice' sounds like a priest in the confessional ?


golden ticket member
What a whiney crying baby !!! He must've said "we can't", 20 times. I thought this was a "we can" administration.

Reid couldn't even pass a budget among his own kind....that's why we are where we are today.

His first talking point was that the Republicans don't want to see a woman get a mammogram.

Apparently he missed the special where Planned Parenthood offices all over the country were called by women seeking mammograms and they were told Planned Parenthood didn't do that. So, defunding them is not stopping mammograms.....just like Pelosi and her starving seniors.....exaggerated drama to distract from Reid's impotentancy as a leader.
One of our larger hospitals has a huge motor home converted into a rolling lab. They go to surrounding small towns on a regular schedule and do mammograms for 15 or 20 bucks. They don't take insurance though.


golden ticket member
That's a great service.

The Dem's always want to funnel money to Planned Parenthood and it's for abortions, but they always say it's for women to get mammograms.....when they don't even offer that service. This is one of the cuts needed to reduce spending.
That's a great service.

The Dem's always want to funnel money to Planned Parenthood and it's for abortions, but they always say it's for women to get mammograms.....when they don't even offer that service. This is one of the cuts needed to reduce spending.
Why would planned parenthood provide mammograms, has nothing to do with birth control. I do not feel one dime of tax money should be spent to provide for abortions unless the mothers life is in immanent danger by carrying full term.


golden ticket member
My question too!! Yet every democrat talking about planned parenthood's fed. funding says this.....It was the first sentence out of Reid's mouth this morning. It's like they all go to "talking points"school and spout the same crap and expect us to just accept what they say.


golden ticket member
I heard Harry Reid say something like, I'll be at work Tuesday and not taking a recess. Most of the Americans who are lucky enough to have a job will be at work Tuesday also. Are you looking for a medal , Harry?