I was offered a Safety Co-Chair.....I turned it down. Don't get me wrong.....I'm PASSIONATE about safety.
The concept of the safety committee was destroyed when the Union got involved.....stewards took over the meetings and any useful, positive possibilities were swept away. It was in fact, now a fried chicken event.
The paperwork aspect became a jobs program for the stewards to get that 65th hour. No? You better believe it.
And they became(the stewards) the biggest "company men" ever seen. I've never seen such boot licking CS's. Always in the office.....chatting it up. Safety became the last topic.
See, safety has a responsibility aspect.....accountability. When an employee kills another employee or a civilian, customer...the union acts surprised. And deflects. And many times this death could have easily been avoided....but by the collusion of the company and the union....nothing is enforced or acted upon. Yes, enforced and steps taken for future prevention.
The very actions of the union(policy) are directly responsible for the deaths of it's members. As is the Company.
Now, how is this possible? Would be happy to discuss it.