Yeah, that's what one customer noted when calling in a customer concern... I told management that while backing up to someone's garage, u toot toot to make sure others are aware of the big FedEx box truck... shrugs
Hey how's my OrioN trace program working out?
I know it is total b.s. if the dispatch team don't put the correct inputs.... gigo
Butt it doesn't really work in ups case since you're doing airmail first, then doing pickups in the afternoon.
For mainly FedEx home delivery, though, it's a viable program. Butt even with our new single system, it's not recognizing the business stops from the resis... I isolate them while preloading for free~2 hours minimum to make sure all my cargo is loaded in stop order & no surprises (mis load or mis plots)
Not resorting to pulling on the side of the road or into a parking lot to sort that way during the day; I keep on truckin' when I leave the terminal