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Ok, if you are so naive that you don't know what to do to protect yourself what does your common sense tell you to do? First of all, wearing a mask only protects those around you from your breath droplets. (If you have a proper mask in the first place). Second, the droplets are so minute, they can and do get into your eyes which can infect you.Them not wearing masks isn't all them it's me too. Only n95 protects against breathing in, and I don't get issued one until I talk to my manager. Hes not wearing a mask. Other people wearing masks at least helps protects you. Maybe the union should try and get members to wear masks at the center as well (even a scarf)
You can try to stay 6ft away from people but often that is better in theory than practice. The S* is getting real and the company will step over your cold dead body before all else so start reading and learning what to do. You need to take responsibility for your self and if you can't do that, then I feel for you.