Engorged Member
Gilbert has 10 MTik Tok followers? I'd never heard of either one of them, but it seems Mulvaney has more fans.I'm not a fan of new country at all but I guarantee Gilbert has a much larger fanbase than Mulvaney.
Gilbert has 10 MTik Tok followers? I'd never heard of either one of them, but it seems Mulvaney has more fans.I'm not a fan of new country at all but I guarantee Gilbert has a much larger fanbase than Mulvaney.
They run on two entirely different mediums. Gilbert doesn't make Tik Tok content. Any dipGilbert has 10 MTik Tok followers? I'd never heard of either one of them, but it seems Mulvaney has more fans.
TikTok is for cuckolds.
DoubleTikTok is for cuckolds.
"Judge not lest Ye be judged". From that God fellow you all claim to follow, yet constantly ignore. Most of you here are fine with being judge, jury, and executioner for Trans people. Wow, God's loving people.TikTok is for cuckolds.
Such a gross misunderstanding of scripture."Judge not lest Ye be judged". From that God fellow you all claim to follow, yet constantly ignore. Most of you here are fine with being judge, jury, and executioner for Trans people. Wow, God's loving people.
Never heard of him.The TikTok demographic is young and huge. Glad all of you love Brantley so much. His influence and fame pale in comparison to Mulvaney.
Uh oh, that's gonna hurt their ESG score.
I’m telling you boss, people want tranny Bud light! Idiots.
Trump doesn't have a very good track record of A: Telling the truth, B: Producing his products in the USA, or C: Living-up to high moral standards of personal conduct.Aspersions are lies, as well.
But I'm sure you know exactly what you are doing.
Here are today's questions for the Hard Right. 1: Do private companies have the right to market their products to whoever they want? 2: Does Big Government have the right/responsibility to step-in and make sure they serve only the customers that the Right deems appropriate?. 3. If that hurts the company financially, as in preventing them from serving LGBTQ customers, give that company the right to take legal action against the government and seek financial relief? 4. Does government have the power/responsibility to threaten private businesses that decide they want to serve everyone, not just those deemed appropriate by Conservatives? and 5. Can the government threaten me or prevent me from my own personal freedom of expression and/or right to associate with others in a lawful manner even if my views are in direct conflict with those of Conservatives?.The cross one Trumper then they cross all Trumpers!!! MAGA!.
OK, let's take conservatism out of it. Ever hear of M.A.D.D.? Moms who had to bury their kids hit by drunk drivers? Seems you don't want any standards put to your choice of recreation. Remember all the ads of cool young people partying? Well those moms were tired of someone always having to bury their child and fought back. Did they have the right to push back? You're reminded now in ads to drink responsibly. Get a designated driver. What a buzz kill.Here are today's questions for the Hard Right. 1: Do private companies have the right to market their products to whoever they want? 2: Does Big Government have the right/responsibility to step-in and make sure they serve only the customers that the Right deems appropriate?. 3. If that hurts the company financially, as in preventing them from serving LGBTQ customers, give that company the right to take legal action against the government and seek financial relief? 4. Does government have the power/responsibility to threaten private businesses that decide they want to serve everyone, not just those deemed appropriate by Conservatives? and 5. Can the government threaten me or prevent me from my own personal freedom of expression and/or right to associate with others in a lawful manner even if my views are in direct conflict with those of Conservatives?.
The Prime Directive for the Republican Party is Big Business. You don't screw with them. You give them what they want. Tax breaks, Right To Work Laws, free infrastructure and land, and then you await the contributions and pork to bring home to your state/city/district.. They make or break you as a politician. That's why you don't see a bunch of Republicans out there shooting up their beer cans because they don't want to upset Anheuser-Busch. It would send a signal to other Big Businesses that you might do the same thing with them. Bud has plants and distribution centers everywhere.OK, let's take conservatism out of it. Ever hear of M.A.D.D.? Moms who had to bury their kids hit by drunk drivers? Seems you don't want any standards put to your choice of recreation. Remember all the ads of cool young people partying? Well those moms were tired of someone always having to bury their child and fought back. Did they have the right to push back? You're reminded now in ads to drink responsibly. Get a designated driver. What a buzz kill.
Here's the thing. The Bud Light commercials may be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. What has the Biden administration given us? Remember their idea called the "Ministry of Truth?" They were going to decide with a newly created agency what was acceptable speech online. Literally everyone seemed to push back on that as Orwellian. The woman they were going to put in charge of it seemed to have a screw loose. Plus they made a trans woman a high ranking admiral with constant photo shoots. They put a bald guy with a mustache who wore dresses in charge of some office and he ended up being a thief that got arrested. They're requiring trans sensitivity training in the military. All this on top of hitting our pocketbooks with inflation. Screwing up the Afghanistan withdrawal. And I doubt it's just conservatives who are frustrated by the totality of it all. Now they have to look at a man who likes to wear women's clothing on their beer can. This stuff is everywhere they look and they're being told they are bigots and worse if they don't accept it. At what point did you think the dam would break?
No one is telling you that you can't go out and buy Bud Light if you want. But you're saying by refusing to buy Bud Light conservatives are forcing a company to not serve the alphabet community. If liberals want it so badly then you go out and support Bud Light. Remember Chick-fil-A? Liberals tried to get it shut down. What happened? Conservatives showed up in droves to support the company. See how that works?
How many of those cans were made and sold to the public?Now they have to look at a man who likes to wear women's clothing on their beer can.
Young and huge? Influence? If everything in this post is true, it pretty much proves the existence of grooming that oh so many are just in complete denial of.Doublefor Trump? The TikTok demographic is young and huge. Glad all of you love Brantley so much. His influence and fame pale in comparison to Mulvaney.
Here are today's questions for the Hard Right. 1: Do private companies have the right to market their products to whoever they want? 2: Does Big Government have the right/responsibility to step-in and make sure they serve only the customers that the Right deems appropriate?. 3. If that hurts the company financially, as in preventing them from serving LGBTQ customers, give that company the right to take legal action against the government and seek financial relief? 4. Does government have the power/responsibility to threaten private businesses that decide they want to serve everyone, not just those deemed appropriate by Conservatives? and 5. Can the government threaten me or prevent me from my own personal freedom of expression and/or right to associate with others in a lawful manner even if my views are in direct conflict with those of Conservatives?.
Did anyone actually read all of this?The Prime Directive for the Republican Party is Big Business. You don't screw with them. You give them what they want. Tax breaks, Right To Work Laws, free infrastructure and land, and then you await the contributions and pork to bring home to your state/city/district.. They make or break you as a politician. That's why you don't see a bunch of Republicans out there shooting up their beer cans because they don't want to upset Anheuser-Busch. It would send a signal to other Big Businesses that you might do the same thing with them. Bud has plants and distribution centers everywhere.
Ron DeSantis stepped on his Johnson bigly when he took on The Mouse. That would be ABC, Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel and all of the rest of Disney, which will own DeSantis before this is all over. He threatened a Big Business with a prison next door and he's been messing with them ever since they read the tea leaves and decided to be LGBTQ friendly. Where are MTG and Matt Gaetz on this one?...Crickets. The target demographic thinks LGBTQ is fine and they care more about K-Pop and their phones than who is screwing who. Really. Oldies like us are largely irrelevant.
Remember a few years ago when Boeing was building a lawn dart called the 737 MAX? It took forever for politicians to do something about a really obvious problem. Boeing gives big to BOTH parties, just like most Big Business, so you might want to watch your mouth before you speak ill of them. It's baked into the GOP cake. "Free" unfettered capitalism. Dead airline passengers are fine and preferably from The Third World so the settlements won't be so big. Did you know that Boeing actually sells body bags to airlines? Yep. Because they know some of them will go down.
What's truly Orwellian is the Right Wing hissy fit over LGBTQ as you support the creation of the very totalitarian dystopia that Orwell foresaw.. Some of your biggest heroes are probably gay. Remember Dennis Hastert? Yeah, that guy. Da Vinci, Alan Turing, Shakespeare, Caesar, and countless others. Without Turing, this "conversation" would probably be by letter. Paul Allen. Yeah, gay. Really, who cares who you sleep with or love? Oh yeah, that Jesus guy you claim to care about so much. It really upset him. So upset that his Dad/Himself "created" the whole rainbow spectrum of gay. What would you do if you had a gay child? Cast them out? Perform an exorcism? Hate them forever? If one of my kids were gay I would ACCEPT it and love them unconditionally.
So, please. Have your leaders attack Big Business and see how that goes, OK? Continue to support the haters that would create the 4th Reich if they could get away with it. BTW, Biden's hands were tied in Afghanistan because the great "Deal Maker" did the Doha Agreement, under which the US had to withdraw all forces by May, 2021, which is what happened. Your hero cut a bad deal, and then the rest of you joined him in trying to toss Biden under the bus.
Keep it up, because torpedoes that circle back and destroy their target are the specialty of the Far Right.
Did anyone actually read all of this?