old levi's
blank space
We taste tested (blind) and we couldn't tell the difference.
You have that much time, more.

We taste tested (blind) and we couldn't tell the difference.
There used to be only one kind of soup......Campbells
Then came Progresso!!
I like the homemade stuff too......I make great chicken soup that would make a Jewish mother cry..................and A beef/veggie soup with lots of cabbage that stinks to high heaven but tastes so good !!As far as soup is concerned I avoid the high sodium canned soups off the shelf. (And the low sodium ones taste so blah). The only good soups to me are the homemade ones my wife makes. (bean & ham- chicken dumpling- chicken noodle- turkey noodle- chicken & wild rice) They're ummmm ummmm good.
I like the homemade stuff too......I make great chicken soup that would make a Jewish mother cry..................and A beef/veggie soup with lots of cabbage that stinks to high heaven but tastes so good !!
now you've done it ---I want some cornbeef and cabbage--------how much longer til St. Pat's Day?
now you've done it ---I want some cornbeef and cabbage--------how much longer til St. Pat's Day?
When I bought the corned beef on sale last March, I got a couple of them and we just had the last one a week ago. March 17th is the big day, but you can have it anytime.
Talk to her about having pork & sauerkraut too.....not just for New Year's Day anymore. Then maybe over coffee, the 2 of you could discuss roast turkey and stuffing. Be wild!I know----but we never do.. I'm going to have to question the wife about that.
You'd make a terrible Jew. There's only one thing better than corned beef!!To be honest, I made it once with hamburger meat and cabbage, potatoes, etc....
Was even better then with corned beef !
To be honest, I made it once with hamburger meat and cabbage, potatoes, etc....
Was even better then with corned beef !
ooooh, that sounds good, may try that tomorrow or monday.When I was a kid my Mom would make us a snack of a couple slices of bread with peanut butter sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.