Healthcare cost raised for the retired

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
I've been saying this for years. I agree with Bubblehead over progression, 9.5 language, technology and Surepost. I'll be retiring in a few months and the huge increase in healthcare premiums almost caused me to delay retirement. It would be in the unions best interest if more of us worked longer. Less paid out in healthcare and pensions. Maybe that's the long term plan. What's going to happen in the next contract? The union will offer another round of $.70-$1.00 raises. Our younger drivers and part timers will jump all over it. Everyone loves a good raise, but you got to give something to get something. Maybe our part timers should start paying in dues what our full time drivers are paying, if they want 1 full vote. That's something the IBT could get on board with, more dues money! The vast majority of them will never make a career at UPS and the union knows it.

It's a shame that you had to contemplate when to hang it up.. The increase in us retirees pay keeps shrinking our net pension check every month. Working longer in this company will in due time cause many to limp out instead of walking out on their last day. I like Bubblehead, over the years would of been happy with a dime per hour raise just to keep my(at the time) future benefits intact that I would be looking forward to. Now since I retired in 08 my health costs are now $100.00 more per month than what I was told I would expect during my golden years. Next year it will be $150.00 per month, and that's just for me. Poor guys with families are getting spanked along with more copays for drugs etc etc. These current drivers and others will be paying more and more down the road now that the door has been opened by their actions on this last contract. A nice large juicy pension check will soon be watered down more and more year after year with the increased cost of healthcare payments ok'd by current employees who by then may realize the mistake they made voting in sub par contracts just to get a buck an hour over the years. At least leave the benefit packages alone for retirees who paved the way for UPS to grow and expand many years ago to the behemoth it has become. That in itself would be a victory in negotiations instead of a giveback, which once it's's never coming back. Just ask the red circled guys ( if there are any left) what that means


Well-Known Member
When I retired in 08 my health care cost was $50.00 per month. They are currently $300.00 a month. I'm just waiting
for the pension bad news. Why anybody would be happy with this current Teamster leadership is beyond me.
Their logic seems to be, Oh look we got you .70 cents an hour raise and nothing else matters. This from a company
whose profits are through the roof.

10 point

Well-Known Member
The percentage of members that actually vote on the direction of their futures is alarming.

Either they're too lazy or they don't think it will matter if they just float along with the current because there's no faith left in the system for them.

The corruption and apathy has precipitated a surrendering of the resolve to stay in the fight and win better lives now and for their families too.


Man of Great Wisdom
When I retired in 08 my health care cost was $50.00 per month. They are currently $300.00 a month. I'm just waiting
for the pension bad news. Why anybody would be happy with this current Teamster leadership is beyond me.
Their logic seems to be, Oh look we got you .70 cents an hour raise and nothing else matters. This from a company
whose profits are through the roof.
I would vote for $300 retiree healthcare in a minute.


Happy Verified UPSer
Fine. Just make sure you get a promise that it's going to stay there until you reach 65. And that's my complaint.
I was told it would remain $50.00 until I was 65. THEY LIED.
what happens when you turn 65? do you lose the retirement healthcare and pay for medicare? or do you have both and one is primary and the other secondary?


Well-Known Member
what happens when you turn 65? do you lose the retirement healthcare and pay for medicare? or do you have both and one is primary and the other secondary?

UPS kicks you out the door and you're on your own. Medicare kicks in and you need to buy your own
supplemental insurance. And trust me, they kick you out the door the day after your birthday. Don't wait
until a week before your birthday to look around for health insurance. I'm going to start the process 6 months


cap'n crunch
The day you go on medicare, Teamcare kicks you out. AND you have to notify TC way in advance when your medicare kicks in. I didn't tell them fast enough and they took the $200.00 out. After several phone calls and run arounds, they refunded it back to me. Don't assume TC and medicare communicate with each other. I went on medicare at age 60.


Happy Verified UPSer
thanks guys, appreciate it.

ya, the co pay on the prescriptions was really no surprise. some scripts dont have a generic and 30% on a 500 dollar script adds up.

ski or die

Ski or Die
Some Local Supplements could be different. But at most Locals, the month you turn 65, you lose TeamCare on the first day of the month of your birthday. Say April 15 is your birthday, Medicare Part A kicks in on April 1st and you lose your TeamCare that same day. Also, Part A only covers hospitalization and there is no premium but does have a deductible. You will need to purchase Part B for doctor's. Also a good Supplement will cover most of deductibles for Part A and B with very little copays. But Supplemental does not cover Part D (prescriptions) which you can purchase separately. Part D is not as good as TeamCare coverage. Part A and Part B with a good Supplement beats TeamCare hands down in out of pocket cost. Medicare Advantage is also available which will cover doctor's and prescriptions at a lower premium cost than Supplemental insurance but it has higher deductibles and co-pays.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Fine. Just make sure you get a promise that it's going to stay there until you reach 65. And that's my complaint.
I was told it would remain $50.00 until I was 65. THEY LIED.

Brownie is an Idiot. I hear ya loud and clear. I was told like you that it would be $50.00 a month till age 65, as Gomer Pyle would say SURPRISE,SURPRISE,SURPRISE. Brownie will get his in due time. This is not a laughing matter, but to some who have even an ounce of intelligence left in their feeble brains would have to agree that what the current members did by accepting a subpar contract, has left all us and FUTURE retirees hung out to dry


Retired 23 years
When I retired in 08 my health care cost was $50.00 per month. They are currently $300.00 a month. I'm just waiting
for the pension bad news. Why anybody would be happy with this current Teamster leadership is beyond me.
Their logic seems to be, Oh look we got you .70 cents an hour raise and nothing else matters. This from a company
whose profits are through the roof.

Too many UPS'ers are afraid to stick together and demand their piece of the pie and are content to take just a raise. Many are so brainwashed that they believe the old "economy sucks so don't rock the boat" theory. The economy isn't sucking for UPS. Its sad to see all the ground gained slowly going down the tube. The final straw will be when the Union is shown the door for the last time.


Well-Known Member
Brownie is an Idiot. I hear ya loud and clear. I was told like you that it would be $50.00 a month till age 65...
Brownie actually comprehends what he reads, unlike you. (Your SPD or UPS contract never guaranteed anyone $50 a month til 65) Brownie also gets exactly the deal "old road" described as he continues his union insurance post 65 as supplemental and has Medicare as his primary. His coverage level increases post 65. Still think he's the idiot?


My Senior Picture
Brownie also gets exactly the deal "old road" described as he continues his union insurance post 65 as supplemental and has Medicare as his primary. His coverage level increases post 65. Still think he's the idiot?
Is this a benefit he enjoys "locally", or are these other posters misinformed as to their benefit level.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Brownie actually comprehends what he reads, unlike you. (Your SPD or UPS contract never guaranteed anyone $50 a month til 65) Brownie also gets exactly the deal "old road" described as he continues his union insurance post 65 as supplemental and has Medicare as his primary. His coverage level increases post 65. Still think he's the idiot?

Put yourself in our shoes for a minute. You put in your 25-30 years. You put your papers in to retire after discussing with UPS what your benefit package is going to be..Believing when THEY ( Human Resources) explains to you that your cost per month is going to be $50.00 per month till age 65 (prior to my retirement I was told to switch to a new medical plan so you will have dental and eye coverage as long as you are on the NEW plan at least 4 years prior to your retirement) and MY COST would be $50.00 per month.
Then all of a sudden bait and switch comes into play. Do you honestly think that is fair to anyone? maybe someday you will get a sour taste in your mouth like us retirees did. If anything......they should of just grandfathered us in, but no that would make to much sense.