How do you know TDU is at record membership?
I honestly don't know, but have proposed a bet with numerous posters.
None have taken me up on it to date.
How about you???....feel lucky???
I'd say the CSPF issue is the reason, and the CSPF troubles are directly tied to the service pension offering pushed aggressively by TDU and implemented under Carey. TDU breaks windows everyday and wonders why the room gets wet when it rains, and then blames the IBT.
You're kind of on the right track, but your aim is a bit off.
As I see it, there has been a steady stream, consisting of multiple issues, to and including CSPF collapse (and others), organized crime involvement, embezzlement, nepotism, and the latest UPS contract debacle to name a few.
There never seems to be a shortage of fodder for this organization.
While you see TDU as "breaking windows", I don't see them having that kind of reach at the Marble Palace, at least they shouldn't.
I see them instead opportunistically running through doors left open by irresponsible home owners.
In the end, it has always been and continues to be my contention, that if the IBT got their house in order and "closed all of their doors" for a significant period of time, TDU would wither away and die, much like APWA.
Yet human existence continues!
Years ago while in Jamaica, I gave a Jamaican fellow an ice cold Red Stripe. He put it out in the sun to warm it up before drinking. Some people adapt to their surroundings.
There is a guy on my route with a long, unkempt beard and wild hair, that walks around the neighborhood with two different shoes on, carrying a lawn chair.
I always assumed he was just a bit nuts, but will now be forced to reconsider in light of your interaction with the Jamaican fellow.
Either way, neither story, or your last two failed attempts to discredit my analogy, has anything to do with the discussion at hand, hence the "derail" rating.