Well-Known Member
You forgot guns.And don't forget Walmart and Mcdonalds and Wendy's and FDX ground since they are taking taxpayer money also by paying slave wages.
Just gotta love you guys. People flipping burgers or Walmart greeters should make a living wage like UPS drivers. Jobs like the ones you mentioned were never meant and never will be living wage jobs --they were meant for people going to school before starting their careers or retirees filling out their day and supplementing their retirement.
Many career hamburger flippers must look in the mirror --how did THEY wind up in the job as a career ? School was a joke--no respect for parents or authority ---too lazy to unload a package or deliver a load ???

The most important thing you ignore is our fearless leader. A little less golfing and speech making ---what happened to his big "jobs committee" that he ignored !!
He has made "speeches" about the Tax structure --yet the U.S. prevents investment growth and jobs with the highest corporate tax in the world.
He does nothing to create legislation that would punish the "Apples" of the world for outsourcing jobs --His Administration themselves have outsourced thousands of high paying jobs ---fOR EXAMPLE --660 million dollars to a Canadian Company --to build the Obamacare website ---that does not work???? A JOKE !!!!

Obama will re-re-re-re-re-re- focus on jobs and the economy ---FIVE years and counting -----Keep supporting the joke as he pushes you on "teamcare"
When I purchase guns as my right as an American Citizen --with all the necessary legal permits and paperwork ---I am in fact supporting our economy ---Doing a lot more than the Golfer in Chief !!!!