Edibles a little strong for your rookie ass , I don’t want to have to drive you home cause you can’t handle it!What’s your point? Inhaling any foreign substance into the lung has risks. That’s why they made edibles, fool.

Edibles a little strong for your rookie ass , I don’t want to have to drive you home cause you can’t handle it!What’s your point? Inhaling any foreign substance into the lung has risks. That’s why they made edibles, fool.
You funny bruh, you bringin the jokes, cuz.Edibles a little strong for your rookie ass , I don’t want to have to drive you home cause you can’t handle it!
Now you’re getting like @rickyb
Their conservative handlers don't approve of Cannabis use so the lemmings just have to spew the party lines.
Now I know your brain is gone. Only lemmings are on the left. You must have long covid.Their conservative handlers don't approve of Cannabis use so the lemmings just have to spew the party lines.
How many lose control of their habit?It’s only a gram, the problem comes from over use.
Nah it's just that weed is for losers and we don't like losers. Carry on.Their conservative handlers don't approve of Cannabis use so the lemmings just have to spew the party lines.
The key word is "insights". This is how studies work. They were looking at the health of nearly 30,000 stoners with cannabis use disorder (CUD) who were then paired with adults with no CUD exposure. The results were not good for the stoners. Future studies will be done looking into if if is the weed causing the damage.
Ok , it’s been 25 years…I guess I’ll keep waiting for those “negative consequences”Just don't drive while doing so and certainly do not be surprised at some possible negative consequences
Hopefully you will be like the smoker that never has a problem.Ok , it’s been 25 years…I guess I’ll keep waiting for those “negative consequences”
Some people just lead sad lives. Work all their life for retirement and when they get to that point all they do is log on to the internet most of the day and circle jerk with others that only agree with them. Truly pathetic. Should get out more and experience the real world.Now I know your brain is gone. Only lemmings are on the left. You must have long covid.
Excellent post my union brotherSome people just lead sad lives. Work all their life for retirement and when they get to that point all they do is log on to the internet most of the day and circle jerk with others that only agree with them. Truly pathetic. Should get out more and experience the real world.
He’s so stoned he doesn’t know what he’s saying.Excellent post my union brother
Sad, drug addicted lives.Some people just lead sad lives. Work all their life for retirement and when they get to that point all they do is log on to the internet most of the day and circle jerk with others that only agree with them. Truly pathetic. Should get out more and experience the real world.
cmon bruh you gotta hit your boy up with the thumbs down? TAKE IT BACKHe’s so stoned he doesn’t know what he’s saying.
cmon bruh you gotta hit your boy up with the thumbs down? TAKE IT BACK
Says the guy on the internet making observations.Some people just lead sad lives. Work all their life for retirement and when they get to that point all they do is log on to the internet most of the day and circle jerk with others that only agree with them. Truly pathetic. Should get out more and experience the real world.